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The piece of wood swings open leaving me directly in front of those all too blue eyes.

Fear is the number one enemy of love. It legitimately destroys your ability to trust.

Silence lay like a down filled duvet over the area, muffling the slightest sound creating an atmosphere of total tranquility. The quietness is almost tangible. There are no birds chirping, slow breathing barely audible. Even the loud sounds inside of the mechanic shop about a hundred yards away were drowned to nothing.  

His fading sunshine colored hair is up in every direction but the sides are plastered to his skull with noticeable sweat. His milky cheeks are now reddened and his thin lips are parted attempting to breathe in more air reimbursing what he has lost. His brows furrow and his pupils grow at the sight of me, almost as if seeing me at his door is unimaginable or terrifying. 

My eyes quickly migrate to his bare broad and glistening shoulders. I watch as his chest rises and falls quickly. He must have been working out which would explain him being out of breath, half naked and sweaty. One of his inked arms holds the door open as the other holds his self up against the frame of the opposite side of the door blocking whatever view I had of the space behind him. I avert my eyes down passed his tight abdomen to his belly button and the waistband of his low, loose fitting, blue gym shorts. 

How is it possible for someone to clearly be a mess but look beyond edible? His sexy and masculine presence is fogging my mind leaving me mind blanked in every way possible. If I thought I missed him before, this is now making me realize I missed him more than I could have ever thought. I missed his touch, his large hands on my body..

I clear my throat, "Uh..I..I'm sorry to just barge over here uninvited but I.."

"Ya shouldn't of com."

"Niall don't worry about my bro.."

"Whut'r yeh doin ere Amelia?"

"Well, to see you of cour.."

"Jus leaf."

I finally look up at him. The look in his eyes hurt more than the tone of his voice when he said what he said to me. I wait a few seconds assuming this must be some kind of sick joke. I am confused. Why is he acting in this way? Louis isn't here and that is beside the point because he has always known I had a brother so why should it matter now?

"I..I don't understand." I say softly.

"Da part where I don want ya ere or da part where ya should leaf? Cos der one in da same luv." 

"What is wrong with you?" I snap back.

He doesn't make another sound. In fact he isn't even looking at me at all. His eyes are dancing to every corner and all around me except actually at me.

"This is all an act isn't it? You're doing this because of Louis. This is ridiculous!" I say irritated.

He takes a step toward me and onto the small porch, "Ya kno whut is ridiculous? Da fact dat yeh've got yerself a fiancé!"

To say I am shocked is an understatement. I didn't ever expect him to even know about it because I am not even engaged. Not anymore.

"You know about Joshua?" I ask out loud on accident.

"Wow so it's tru..unbeliefable.."

"No Niall, you don't understa.."

"It doesn't even mattah Amelia! Weh were only fuckin! Ya can go back ta yer fiancé now..da fun is over.."

"Niall stop!" I plead.

His entire face is practically red now, the veins on his inked arms are now visible and his stance is one of complete anger. I can't seem to get through to whatever rage he is lost inside of.

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