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Niall's POV

The lines and care of toil have smoothed and virtually disappeared. The dark circles rounding her eyes are nothing but a memory now. Eyelids closed against the dim light of dawn, her breathing deep and relaxed. All of the muscles of her face and body are totally at peace, like an infant in its first throes of slumber. There is no twitch, no spasm, barely any movement of her breasts rising and falling with each intake of air is the depth of her oblivion. Her innocence shows on her sleeping face, the peaceful serene dreams blocking out the dangers of the outside, the dangers that even I bring.

Her fluffy brown hair magnifies silk as the light shines down upon her. Her face is an olive color; smooth and flawless with a hint of pink peeking out of the skin round her cheekbone. When she smiles her porcelain white teeth enhance her face, her smile takes my breath away completely. I look to her closed eyes imagining her exotic blue green orbs, the fierceness they portray. She is full of determination and courage. She knows what she wants in life and goes after it regardless of what anyone thinks. This woman is perfect in every way and I am inevitably in love with her.

It isn't exactly something I can keep withholding. I knew I loved her the instant I couldn't stay away any longer. I tried to warn her from me, this isn't familiar ground and I'm not sure what I am capable of. Except I do know, I could never do anything to hurt her, not intentionally. I'd do anything for her.

I want to do whatever she needs me to. I will be what she wants me to be. I can do this boyfriend stuff, at least for her.

None of this changes the fact of who I am. No one. I am struggling to keep a float while she advances in her successful family and career. I remind myself that she isn't self-centered like that. I know she wouldn't care, except I do. I want to give her the world and I can't. Not material things.

I take note of how beautifully the sheet falls around her waist leaving her naked back open to my view. My finger follows the line of her spine, creating chills to form along her skin. Even in her sleep I affect her. I move down to press my lips into her shoulder missing her woken presence. She shifts slightly in annoyance that she is being bothered. She's too adorable.

"I tink ya should get up and cook meh sumthin good to eat woman.." I tease her.

"Mmm..five more minutes.." she grumbles pushing her sleepy face into the pillow.

I belly laugh out loud. "Nah princess..I tink now is a good time.." I say reaching for her and turning her around to lie underneath me.

In life there will be a time when you look at someone and they are all you see. You see their glow, the way they see life, you see their love and inner beauty. They will hold something strong over you, making you come to the realization that you never want to go another day without them. Mia does this for me.

"What?" She asks curiously, trying to figure out what I am thinking.

"Yer beautiful.." I whisper.

Her eyes squint with an emotion I can't pinpoint. My hand moves to brush the hair out of her face. Her eyes shine, staring back at me with the same intensity that is scorching throughout my veins. The urge to be near her is strong as I move toward her pressing my lips into her own. She is warm, sweet, and mine. A light tingling sensation follows wherever she touches.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I groan at the unwanted intrusion. I kiss her once more before reluctantly climbing off of her. I give her a quick wink before slipping into some gym shorts and walking through the small front room to the door. I swing it open annoyed before coming face to face with someone I didn't think of seeing any time soon.

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