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I study the cold hard texture of the more than half empty bottle currently within the palm grip of my hand. I was never one to really drink beer, only champagne and red or white wine. The warmth and heaviness of the liquid seep through to my veins leaving me filling and content. I don’t think I have ever been this quite relaxed. I bring the brown bottle to my lips tilting my head taking another sip of the bitter and sour liquid.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about that dear, you’d do best to stay away from that one.”

The old waitress’s voice rings inside of my head loudly. Why? Why should I stay away? Who is he? What has he done? His angel blue eyes haunt my memory. Never have I ever seen eyes so blue and enchanting. I have never been so fascinated with another’s eyes so much. Its like they have hidden wonders behind them but it isn’t that simple. You would have to prepare for battle before getting through to the treasure beneath the blue depths of wonder, world war three for sure.

I shake my thoughts away blinking more than once to clear my head. Why am I even thinking of him? He nearly ran me over. Slight anger courses through me as I finally look up into the direction of where my brother and the guys are standing with those obnoxious girls and the blue eyed mystery.

I watch as he tilts his head back laughing at something one of the girls said. For some reason his close proximity to her annoys me. Suddenly a familiar jingle distracts my thoughts. It takes me a second to recognize the tone as my cellphone. I reach for it pulling it out of the back pocket of my jeans. I don’t waste time checking to see whom it is instead just answering keeping my eyes on the group who is no more than thirty feet in front of me.


“Amelia! Thank God. I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days honey.”

I cringe at the sound of his familiar deep voice. I regret not looking at the caller id now for sure. Well this conversation was inevitable might as well get it over with now I suppose. I walk toward the pine trees seeking some privacy.


“Gosh, I have missed you so much Mia.”

I roll my eyes at his statement. Soon images pop into my mind of the last day that I saw him. I remember my emotions at the time not being what anyone would expect but nonetheless it doesn’t mean I was going to ignore the situation and act as if nothing had happened just because I didn’t seem to care like I should have. Josh’s voice brings me out of my mind.

“I was thinking, I’ll be done packing up in about another two days or so and then I can have my things shipped to the house.” He says too confident.

“No.” Is all I say.

“No? What do you mean?” He laughs nervously.

“I mean no Josh. There is no reason for you to come here anymore. I thought I made it pretty clear when I left without you.”

“You’re not serious Mia, we have a life together.” His voice gets louder than normal.

I don't recognize the anger seething through me, maybe it's the content I have consumed.

“We HAD a life together, that ended when your head was between..”

“Baby that was a one time mistake, it will never ever happen again..” He begins to panic, his erratic breathing can be heard over the phone line.

I hear a rustling behind me and I turn freezing on spot. The voice in my ear fades further and further away as I stare back into the blue eyes directly in front of me. His look is one of mere curiosity.

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