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There are many forms of silence along with the different reasons for them. Some can be comfortable while others can be intimidating or overwhelming; those types are the worst. They make you feel as if your insides are screaming, as you want to crawl out of your own skin making a clean break from the destruction of what is to come. It doesn't help when you can't find the right thing to say or anything at all. It's a matter of not knowing what exactly is wrong or being thought but you do know that it isn't at all alright.

The roaring engine speeds on into the dark night vibrating through my core. The dim headlights do little to show where it is we are going. I watch as the yellow lines on the gravel zoom passed us, too fast for me to count them. I uneasily take a look to my left into his direction. His face is hard to read but not hard enough. The furrow in his brows tells me he's in thought, the white of his knuckles tells me he is gripping the steering wheel tightly in order to contain his built up anger.

The moments of silence is drowning out the loud sound of the engine speeding faster than normal. The air around me is growing thick. I can feel my stomach twisting at the lack of awareness of the situation.

"Niall.." my voice cracks.

I clear my throat quickly and try again. "Where are we headed?"

His face doesn't change. His eyes stay on the dark road ahead. It's as if he didn't even hear me but I know he had. I sigh looking out the window into nothing because where we are does little to shed any light in our current path. We're in the middle of nowhere.

"Did he hurt yeh?" His voice is low.

His question catches me off guard. I wasn't exactly sure of what he was thinking but my safety never bothered to cross my mind. Somehow I made myself believe that he was upset at the fact that Joshua was even inside of my house.

"..not nearly as much as I hurt him." I reply quietly.

He doesn't respond. Soon he slows the car down pulling onto a thin road disappearing into the tree line. I don't want there to be too much silence again.

"You're mad." I state.

His laughter confuses me before he speaks, "I guess ya could say I am."

Lights take over my attention when a wooden house comes into view. Random people cover the outside of it talking and laughing amongst smaller groups. Cars are parked in any spot that you can find. Niall parks in a spot next to a broken tree trunk off to the right of the dirt road. He turns his hand to switch off the engine bringing silence once more.

I look down into my lap where my hands are sitting anxiously. His large hand comes into view sitting on top of my own. I look up meeting his sparkling eyes that now appear clear.

His close proximity is captivating my every sense. His touch is like a feather resting against the skin of my hand running electricity all the way to my soul lighting it up in an alluring way. This isn't something that you just get used to.

His lips break apart, "Nun of dis is sometang I understand, all I kno is dat yer doin sometang ta meh..I feel possessive n protective of ya, I don't like him bein round ya.. even more so touchin ya Amelia..do ya understand, do yeh understand y I'm upset?"

His confession is major. It's a lot to take in but it's him sharing his feelings with me in a sense and it's doing things to escalate my heart rate. Knowing that I reach those thoughts and emotions out of him is more than I could ever ask for. In a sense he is mine as much as I am his, even if he doesn't know it yet.

I nod, "What happens now?"

His growing smile brings butterflies alive inside of my stomach, "Let's go let d world kno dat yer mine princess."

He presses his lips to my own, before I can respond he is out of the car and jogging over to my side opening my door and reaching for me to get out. He pulls me in close to his side throwing his arm over my shoulder letting his hand hang down near my chest. I look out ahead of us watching everyone watch us.

"Everyone is looking at us."

He laughs, "No princess, dey're looken at ya."

"Oh, great."

It takes us a bit to walk inside of the house with everyone saying hi to him and capturing him in conversation. Once inside the music is prominent. The drinks in others' hands vibrate to the energy of the bass. There is several of differentia in the people that are gathered inside of here.

"Who's house is this?" I ask.

"Harry's. He don't stay out 'ere much but he likes ta half parties 'ere."

Girl's gather in the center of the room onto the makeshift dance floor. Their bodies move in sync to the up beat of the song.

"Work it!

It's light work

Right work

Wrong drink, the right work

Work, work, work, work.."

His arm falls from my shoulder landing onto my hip. He slowly pushes me sideways to land in front of him, my back to his chest. Both of his hands are now on my hips pulling me toward him with no space in between. A nervous giggle escapes my lips.

"What are you doing?"

I feel his lips at my ear as his hands moves my hips from side to side in a sway motion, his own body following behind me in perfect sync to the loud rap music.

"Dancin.." he breathes.

The song is fast and has an up-tempo to it but we move slowly in a song of our own. My smile is growing as he kisses the skin of my neck moving us both in a sway motion. The bodies around us fade away leaving only him and I. I lay my head back onto his shoulder wanting to kiss his lips; his hand runs up my body lifting my shirt a bit with his movements.

The mood is different with the change of the song. I turn within his arms wanting to be as close as possible, our bodies and eyes saying the words that we can't seem to speak aloud. His movements are sensual and entrancing me irrevocably.

"You don't know what's in store

But you know what you're here for

Close your eyes

Lay yourself beside me

Hold tight for this ride

We don't need no protection

Come alone

We don't need attention

Open your hand

Take a glass

Don't be scared

I'm right here

Even though you don't roll

Trust me girl

You wanna be high for this"

He moves his arm around my waist pulling me into him further allowing me to feel every inch of his body against my own. I keep my eyes on his blue ones as he leans closer into me while placing his other hand behind my neck. I lean up pressing my lips into his softly. I can feel him quickly inhaling the own air from my lungs. When the song comes to an end our lips begin to slowly pull apart. A gentle breeze comes between us cooling down the heated flame enough to bring us back down to earth and into the front room of Harry's house with all the swarming bodies of others' that I don't know.

There is an instant itch between my shoulders, a gnawing feeling in the back of my mind. I feel the impulse to turn around because in the back of my mind I know that someone is nearby. I see nothing at first but then my eyes are drawn to one spot in the back corner of the room. When he appears in the line of my sight I gasp surprised that he is looking right at me, those soft blue eyes of someone very dear to me, someone I haven't seen in days since the incident, someone who has been avoiding me all together.

"Louis." The breath of a whisper escapes my lips.

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