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I watch in peace as the swirls of orange and pink begin to make their selves known throughout the faded blue sky. The colors begin to mash together, making a huge masterpiece of pink, yellow, and orange shades. It’s something magical, how so many different things can work so well together.

I run my hands smoothly over my shins before standing and dusting off the dirt and grass from my behind. I reach behind my back kicking my heel up to stretch my legs once more before starting my run back home.  I check my watch the time reading 6:15am. I look up to the sunrise allowing the rays to warm my damp skin.

A few minutes later I set off down the hill I traveled up from. Running has always been a way for me to escape. It brings me a sense of peace within my life when things become too hectic or stressful for me. It opens up my mind allowing my brain to breathe and think more clearly.

Two miles and a half later I start to feel that growing burning feeling within my quads. My breathing becomes heavier and the sweat is forming along my brow line. I forcefully throw my foot one in front of the other pushing and panting.

I slightly glance behind me to make sure that no one is in the road before I cross over. Mid way across the sharp turn I hear tires squealing loudly over the music melody heard in my ears. I turn confused, seeing a black vehicle zooming centimeters passed me. My heart stops in my throat at the speed of the vehicle and close proximity that it was to running me over. My earphones fall out of my ears taking the music I was listening to along with them.

My hands are shaking uncontrollably as I watch the back of the speeding car disappear in the distance. When I finally seem to catch my breath I walk the rest of the three blocks home trying to wrap my mind around my near death experience.

I enter my parents’ home through the side door leading into the kitchen. Once inside I let out a shaky breath closing my eyes and leaning my back and head against the wall.

I try to remember the whole scene unfold through my memory, with being a lot more calm now. It was an older sports car. The windows were too dark to see who the driver was, but by the way he or she missed me perfectly they drive well and confidently.

“Who are you?” I whisper to myself.

“Who’s who honey?”

I jump back startled by the sudden voice of my dad. He stands there paper in one hand and coffee in the other. His usual suit and tie are perfectly in place and his hair is styled neatly on top of his head and facial hair trimmed perfectly.

“You scared me.” I say grabbing my chest slightly.

He stares at me slightly amused, but mainly curious. It’s then that I remember he asked me something. Considering I will probably never see who was in that car and nothing happened to me I decide its best to let the matter go.

“I was just getting back from my morning run, catching my breath.” I smile at him.

He seems satisfied with my answer nodding his head and taking a sip from his coffee. My mom steps into the kitchen seconds later also dressed for work. I smile at her as she pulls two mugs out from the cupboard. I watch as she pours the already made caffeine into both cups and turns to hand me one.

I accept it happily watching the steam from my cup travel upward bringing the strong rich scent of coffee beans into my nostrils. I take a big sip welcoming the slight burn travel down my throat instantly giving my body the energy it seeks.

“How was your run dear?” My mother asks while checking her phone messages.

“Good. Forgot how beautiful the scenery is.” I say honestly.

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