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Niall’s POV

A golden ray appears in the sky. I watch as it grows into a big ball of fire changing from dark orange and to a dark yellow. The large glowing sphere rises slowly into the dull morning sky casting sunbeams in every direction as it illuminates the small awakening town below. I stare out of the glass panes as the colors made by the rising sun change rapidly, growing more vivid with the passing time. It moves across the sky with grace as if to own it, making it more radiant as it climbs higher and higher into the clouds; but as beautiful as the morning is it doesn’t mean much because I know today will be horrible.

I look to my right eyeing the white piece of paper lying in my passengers’ seat. How can something so meaningless as a piece of paper with unwanted black ink create such a rift in my life? How can it make my heart feel too heavy to stay held up? I reach for it reading over the big bold letters once more.


I crumple the paper angrily throwing it out of my car window. I watch for a second as it flies within the wind down the mountain. I reach for the ignition grasping the key and turning it forward listening to the soothing purr of the awakening engine. I squint toward the bright sun once more allowing its heating rays to warm my pale cool skin. I cover the light with my black shades stepping on the gas rising dirt and stones behind me.

I notice how I slow down on the curves now without actually realizing that I am doing so. Before she came into town I didn’t have to worry about if someone was out running before people should even be awake. What normal person would do that? Only someone who is slightly insane.

You’re awake at this hour too..

My own voice is loud within my aching skull. I remember the shine of her brown curly hair beneath the moonlight, the anger of her curiosity behind her blue green eyes, and the soft warm feel of her skin as I held her wrist. Her passion scent still lingers within my thoughts.

I reach for the knob turning up the volume to my radio attempting to drown these ridiculous thoughts out of my head. I have a lot more important shit to worry about than one of my best friends’ sister.

We haven’t been properly introduced but I know it’s her; Amelia. I’ve been listening to Louis talk about her for years. She is his total opposite but you can’t mistake those eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul and their soul is full of life and love. Hers just hasn’t been awoken.

“..not meh problem..” I whisper to no one but myself.

I think of the big elephant in my life that really is my problem. It’s not something I could avoid forever. Unfortunately I’ve run out of time and if I don’t do something about it quick I will lose what I have left of him. Anger quickly begins to boil beneath my skin.

“No way in hell will I let dem take it.”

I reach for my cell in my pocket looking for the number I need. I quickly send a text out as I pull into the lot of the shop. I glance at the worn sign and the familiarity of the view of it all. The love my father had for this place still lingers and it’s literally all I have left of him. If I lose this, then I lose him completely and I’m just not ready for that.

I park my car and quickly make my way inside of the shop going straight to the garage knowing that is where everyone will be. I soon find them under the hood of a ratty old buick. I watch as they each interact with each other. It pains me more knowing how much of a home this is to each one of them as much as it is for me. At this point I will do whatever it is I have to, to make sure it doesn’t slip through my fingers even if it’s something I didn’t want to have to do..something I promised him I wouldn’t do anymore.

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