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Niall's POV

Patience is a calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than you had originally intended inside of your own mind.

I watch her hands fidgeting, milking their way into one big piece of molded art. Her foot taps at a fast pace against the tile floor inside of the bathroom we are held up inside of. I'm trying to figure out why she rushed me inside of here in a sudden moment.


She only glances at me before making her view a picture of the broken tiled floor again. Limited eye contact clearly means nerves or fear and at this point it seems to be both.

"Are yeh gon tell me whut is wrong wit ya?" I try again.

She gasps tiredly, "My brother is here..he saw us."

Of course I knew he'd be here. He hardly ever misses a party. This is the reason that I brought her here, so that he could see us together and so I could finally talk to him. It was my intention all along. Amelia doesn't strike me as being afraid of many things, she doesn't seem to withhold from anything she wants to do against anyone, unless it's Louis.

I step toward her kneeling onto the floor to be at eye level with her. I reach my hand up to lift her chin up to meet my eyes. I soothingly stretch out her trembling plump lip. Her wild blue-green eyes finally lock onto my own; waves of calm are present with a single touch.

"Weh can hide under sheets or heavy covers all ya want, but..not forever princess."

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. I lean over pressing my lips to hers softly. I lick my lips after admiring her sweet taste.

"Do yeh trust meh?" I ask.

She doesn't hesitate. "Yes."

"Den yeh should kno it will be all right."

She stands up quickly beginning to pace the small space. Her face goes pale as her eyes start to twitch with panic. I stand to stop her making her make eye contact with me once more. I need her calm.

"What if he doesn't accept it? What if it all goes wrong? What if.."


"What if he tries to fight you again or or or.."

"Mia!" I snap.

The pupils inside of her eyes widen rapidly. I look to the pulse in her neck watching it increase and hearing her breath begin to pant heavily.

"I'm sorry but I need ya to calm down. I need ya to trust meh when I tell ya dat it's gon beh ok." I say softly.

The sudden hollow echo of knuckles rap loudly onto the wooden door sounding throughout the small bathroom. The rattling sound of the doorknob being twisted follows by the sound of an annoying drunk on the other side of the door.

I look over to Mia to see her biting her lip full of nerves and anxiety. I grab her hands pulling them into my chest to grab her attention once more.

"How bout I go n talk to him, ya go n get yerself a drink." I suggest.

"Ok." She doesn't fight it.

I pull her behind me when I open the door to see a random couple making out in the small hall. I roll my eyes at their childlike drunken manners. I lead Mia into the direction of the kitchen to get a drink before making my way over to where I know the guys will be. I leave her with a kiss on the cheek with assurance and promises that it won't take me long to return to her.

I walk back down the hall where the drunken couple has now disappeared into the small bathroom we were held up inside of previously. I hear the admiringly obnoxious laughter of the one person that I am looking for. I make my way through the crowd to the back corner of the room where they are chilling out.

A red head sits atop of his lap in a tight tacky mini skirt. I watch as her hungry eyes land onto mine. I look away annoyed at who he wastes his time on. Whores. I take notice of a missing Zayn. Liam is switching songs on the make shift dj table, while Harry is making his way back from the bar with another round of drinks.

It goes silent when those blue eyes finally land onto my frame. I notice the twitch before he squints his eyes. He takes a sip of the beer bottle in his hand before smiling that chinky smirk he is known for.

"Well well well look who's finally found the time to joins us." He says aloud.

"Hi Niall, long time no see." The familiar red head announces.

I ignore her completely. "I tink it's time weh half a bit of a chat Louis."

He giggles before downing the rest of his beer. When he realizes I am being more than serious he annoyingly pushes the girl off of his lap and standing leading the way to the door exiting through to the side porch of the house. I follow him out watching him light a cigarette taking a long puff before passing it on to me.

I reach for the white flaming twig taking a quick drag before handing it back to him. I think of the words I want to say to him but all I can think of is her beautiful face. The way the lines on her forehead crease with worry at the most simple things, the way her plump bottom lip pouts out when she is upset, the soft glow of her milky skin and her exotic blue-green eyes that are hypnotizing in every way possible.

He sighs, "You know she is everything to me right?"

I stay silent.

"..but so are you." He continues. "She is my blood and you are my self chosen brother."

"I don't intend on hurtin her." I state.

"Yeah, I get that." He says quietly.

"Don't yeh ever lose yer cool like dat again..not wit her." I warn him remembering the night we were together last, the night she got hurt because of us.

"I know..I know Niall."

"She misses ya too yeh ass, go n make dis right." I state.

"I just can't bring myself to talk to her, I'm still pissed off at myself. I have always been the one person she could confide in. Where did it all go wrong? When did I become the bad guy here?" He inhales the last drag of the cigarette.

"Yer not. She loves ya n yeh luv her. It's simple."

He cracks a big smile from ear to ear widening his arms beside him. I roll my eyes at what he is trying to do. There are some people in your life that you would not be able to imagine it without them, for me that would be this short and free spirited soul.

"Let's hug it out Horan."

"Yer annoyin.." I push him before laughing.

"Awe Niall you're not still salty that I kicked your ass are ya?" He talks shit.

"Whatever helps ya sleep at night Lou."

"Don't be a sore loser Niall." He smiles.

"Go n find yer sister n bring her back to meh before der is a round two." I joke.

He walks back into the house with a soft bounce to his step. I could never hold a grudge against him. He was defending his sister from a friend who normally isn't a good guy. I would have expected nothing less of him. I'm only glad he sees that it's more than that, he sees more than I can say or admit to.

The doors will always be opened to those who are bold enough to knock. I look back into my life, the past and realizing that every time I have been rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.


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