Chapter 9: Alterations

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Cyrus Azuré

Age: 7

Species: Iridescent

I don't know what compelled me to follow Eve. I waited in the main lab with her. She held Esoteric in her trembling arms with a lost face. Her cracking voice said, "Cyrus, between you and me, when it comes to Leo, I will always be on his side. I can't help it; your mother's memories are overwhelming. And I hate you. I hate you so much." I didn't particularly like her either, but I never would say I hated her. Is it because I couldn't save her from Leo? Is it because I'm weak? She went on, "But... as I create myself I want to honor the original Eve. For her sake, I'll tell you this. Kill Leo before he kills you. You are stronger than you think."

"Eve," I said staring up at her. My eyes glanced into one of the yellow bubbling test tubes. It caught sight of my deceased mother floating, partially decayed. Her eyes used to be a dark shade of violet, but through the preserving liquid they looked pale. When someone dies, their soul no longer inhabits the body, so I saw no point in grieving; seeing the empty vessel made me want to ask this question even more, "How do you feel being a clone of my mother?"

"I have your mother's memories, so I remember singing you to sleep... taking you into town those few times she could..." she laughed at this one part, "Telling you that just because I'm having another son doesn't mean I'm going to love you any less. You were silly." She settled down when her eyes glanced at the same test tube mine did. I saw jealousy in her face. "But I made those memories my own. I know the original Eve's past, so now I can become an improved future." What does that mean?

Leo emerged from one of the many sets of doors. His gold boots clicked a few steps as he grumbled behind us, "Bring my children in."

"Yes, my darling," she replied. Her body trembled with the same fear as earlier. How can she love someone she fears?

I followed both of them through multiple hallways and down many stairs until we reached a circular room. The walls were made of stone, and it was damp and cold, almost like we were inside a giant well. The LED light was bright after walking through so much darkness, so my vision blurred before adjusting. A baby girl, with iridescent wings, screeched from inside a cage, suspended in the air. Her eyes were blood red and hair the same snow-white color as her wings. I remarked, "What is that?"

Leo grinned, "Your sister."

"My sister," I mumbled confused. I was so focused on the demon spawn that I didn't see my friends chained to the dark, stone wall.

Project N cried, flapping her feathery wings, "Run Cyrus!" Her chains clashed against each other.

I looked ahead to find all three of my friends in tears. Project C begged, kicking off the rocky wall, "Please, don't give him the shot! It hurts! It hurts so much."

"Take Esoteric and run!" Project K shrieked, fighting against the shackles. They fought so hard the shackles cut into their wrists.

Eve whispered under her breath, for only my ears to hear, "Remember what I told you."

It all happened so fast, before I knew it, I heard Esoteric screaming at the top of his little baby lungs. Leo had administered a shot into him. His small body rested upon a wooden table with straps fastening him down. His snow-white wings curled as foam poured out of his tiny mouth. I thought he was going to die. Then I remembered Eve's words, kill Leo before he kills you.

I took note of my surroundings, a circular room, large, dark, electrical machines, cart, tray, tools... knife. I ran to the knife as Eve snuck out of the room like a serpent, unnoticed. Leo's back faced me, unaware. This is my moment. I picked up the knife with my right hand. Gold, typical of him. I leaped into the air with my hands above my head, shouting, "I'M NOT WEEEEAK!" I jabbed the knife into the back of Leo's neck.

Leo fell to his side, coughing blood all over the concrete. The blade of the knife protruded from the other end of his neck. Project C shook his head. I did something wrong. Project N whisper, closing her eyes, "God help him." What did I do wrong?

"He already gave himself the shot! The only way you can kill him is severing his head or damaging the heart!" Project K informed me. Your right N, God help me.

Leo sneered, pulling the knife out of his neck, "My boy, you are still weak." Blood squirted from his neck onto my face. The wound healed instantly. Insanity crept into his half mouthed smile, "But not for long." With a swift, subtle movement, he injected a serum into my thigh. I guess it reacts with everyone differently, because for me it felt as if my blood froze into ice. I felt painfully cold. My throat tightened as I fell to my knees. My lungs caved in on me. Leo said bluntly, "If you die, then you're no son of mine."

I gasped, falling unconscious. I laid, twitching on the floor, drool dribbling out my mouth into a small puddle around my head. Fate decided to spare my life that day. Fate can be very cruel. 

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