Chapter 25: An Escape

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Project C


Species: Incandescent

Almond shaped eyes, long eyelashes, full lips, thick straight hair, yep; its clear Lian, Teric, and Cyrus are siblings. They look so different, yet so alike. I wonder if that's what people think of my sister and I.

I rested my hand on the metal door's handle, the one belonging to the cell we decided to sleep in that night. I hope they didn't realize I left. They're going to be mad I saw Cyrus without them. I heard N tell K, "I don't think we should let the others know about us. We are all just starting to become friends, and I'd hate for our relationship to get in the way."

I peeked through the door's little glass window. On the floor, in the middle of rubble, N laid on top of K, under a blanket... naked. A mattress protected them from the cold floor. Oh, so K finally told N how he felt and things got a little freaky, bow chica wow wow chica wow wow, HEY! V could have easily walked in on them! Those idiots! Where is V anyways? I guess she's on her own adventure. N's eyes were shut, on the verge of falling asleep. K played with her hair, agreeing, "Yeah, but when the time is right I'll let the world know NOVA ESPIRT IS ALL MINE!"

N hugged K tighter, "And my heart belongs to Kairi Yamato."

I shouldn't walk in on them. I'll just find somewhere else to sleep and let them think I don't know. Wait a minute! WAIT! Did they just remember each other's names? I thought the memories were erased!

N bolted up shouting, "KAIRI YAMATO!" She grabbed his shoulders, "I remembered your name! Your real name!" She covered her mouth, gasping, "And you remembered mine." She held her head, scrunching up her face, "I thought Leo erased the memories of our names."

K squished N's cheeks together, "You're just so cute."

"You're cuter," N blushed, playfully hitting his arm. She shook her head, then hissed, "Now's not the time!"

"You're right," K smiled, "I wonder what made us remember... maybe when our memories were erased, they weren't really erased. They were just suppressed. I don't think Leo can just take away memories. Memories are so complex; they are stored in all aspects of the brain, not just one location. It's practically Impossible to completely erase a memory."

"That doesn't answer why we remembered our names now of all times," N pointed out.

K replied, "I think it's because we were in a moment where nothing was forced. We felt relaxed. We felt happy. Maybe our hearts wanted to know the name of our lover, so they went through every barrier to find it."

N hit K in the head with a pillow, stating, "K, you're corny as fuck!"

"Yeah, but that's what you love about me," K grinned, tackling N. I'm happy things worked out the way they did. K and N deserve each other. I love them so much, just seeing them happy makes me happy.

A strong, feminine voice behind me mumbled, "So that's what it's like."

I turned around to find Queen Eve. Her feathery wings drooped behind her back. She wore silky, night time apparel, revealing the scars on her arms. Her long, dirty blonde hair was braided to her left side. Her violet eyes didn't blink; she didn't want to miss a moment of K and N's story. "Why haven't you gone to bed yet? Is Leo?..." It wasn't the first time I talked to Eve. I talked to Eve a lot actually, however I never told anyone about it. I guess talking to each other was like therapy on both our behalves. Since we were both products of experimentation and lived horrific lives we had a lot to talk about. She knew me asking 'is Leo' meant I wanted to know if Leo was sleeping with a maid in the bed they shared, and she didn't want to walk in and find them fucking, so she decided to walk around the castle.

Eve nodded with a cracking voice, "Yeah."

I pulled her in to me, wrapping my arms around her. I rested my head on top of hers, telling her, "We can go for one of our walk and talks? Leo is getting a new shipment of experiments tomorrow, so it should be quiet."

"I'd like that," she told me, closing her eyes, "I'd like that a lot actually."

I grabbed her hand, leading her away, laughing, "Although we should walk away from them." Her hand felt soft. She was thirty five, I was seventeen. If it weren't for the twenty year age gap, I may have made a move on her. In fact I did a couple times but she must have ignored them or didn't pick up on them because she wasn't interested in me. It made sense, she still loved Leo and I was technically still a child. A seventeen year old has not lived enough life to be messing around with people that much older than them. I would have judged her if she felt such a way for me at that time, but I couldn't help but to feel something for her. Even though Leo scared her body and her mind, I still thought she was beauty at its finest. I wanted to pick up her broken pieces, and whatever pieces were missing or didn't fit, I would be more than willingly to give her mine.

I looked back at Eve, her grip around my hand tightened as she said, "Thank you... for always being so nice to me."

"It's my pleasure," I beamed. I could smell her breath, "No alcohol, that's not like you at all."

Eve informed me, "I decided to stop drinking, for my children's sake. I want to be a better mother."

"I'm proud of you."

"You shouldn't be," She said walking faster, "I let jealousy get to me again today. This time I slaughtered all the maids for having affairs with my husband. I'm actually kind of scared I'm going to do it again with the new set."

"Tell me about it."

She recalled, "I'm always jealous. And whenever I'm jealous I do things I don't want to do. But now I-I I want to do some of those things."

"Like what?"

Suddenly she stopped walking. Her head turned to me, as she shook slightly from fear. She was afraid of herself. She answered, "Torture... Kill."

I hated hearing that answer. It must mean Eve feels like she isn't loved. I wish she could see that I love her, not even in a romantic way, more like a deep friendship. I claimed, "I would be lying if I said I never felt that way. It's crazy how much I crave killing. I may say I don't want to kill, I may honestly feel like killing is terrible, but something so wrong has never felt so right to me. Its the only time I feel like I'm in control."

"How do you fight the urge?"

The first thing that came to mind was Cyrus followed by my sister V, and then K and N. Even Lian and Esoteric crossed my mind now. I nodded as I said, "You find an escape."

" hmmmm, what's your escape?"

"My family, or rather as cheesy as it may sound, Love."

"I see," Eve sighed. She snapped her fingers blurting out, "I KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW!" She she ran away without saying another word. Oh Eve, my sweet dear Eve, what do you have in store?

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