Chapter 41: After Shock

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Nova Espirt

Age: 17

Species: Iridescent

We found a vacant cell, with too bunk beds inside, along with a bookshelf separating them. I laid on the bottom bunk with Lian, who decided to visit us before bed. We shared a book about explosives and how to make bombs. Lian stole the book from Leo's collection of illegal contraband. Only a select few (The royals) could have banned goods in their possession. The world is censored, no guns, no bombs, no tanks, or fighter jets. Those who are not a part of a royal bloodline know of such legends, but propaganda makes them believe the reason is because death is more honorable by hand. It makes the gullible more accepting of the strict technological bans and regulations in place. The royal bloodlines only want to ensure control over the people. Guns and weaponry are forbidden to be discussed and it is encouraged to report to government officials on anyone who speaks of such words. May it be seeking advice from family or repenting in church you will be reported. Most people today do not know what a gun even is. The same goes with computer coding, biological warfare, and many other topics that could give the people power if they wanted. And the royals are controlling it and keeping it all for themselves. This is just one of the many reasons we need to save the world.

Kairi rested on the bottom bunk as well, but on the opposite bed. He was on his back, holding a comic book above his head. He flipped through the pages, and then put the comic down beside him. He complained to C, who was fast asleep on the bunk bed above him, "Comic books are fun to read, but it's not like the heroes actually exist. No one has ever come close to being a comic book hero."

"Then we'll be the first," C laughed, closing his eyes. Maybe we will be the first heroes. I've read a couple comic books, but C and Cyrus were always the biggest comic book fans.

Lian asked, "Hey guys do any of you know where V is? Shouldn't she have found us by now?"

"No," Kairi replied, stretching out his long body across the bed.

C lifted up his head, rolling to his stomach. He pushed his dark brown hair out of his eyes, yawning, "The last time I saw her was when I walked her to Lab room six."

I remarked, "That's strange, so Leo was the last one to see her." What did Leo do to V?

Lian got out of bed, claiming, "I'm gonna go look for her." Her pink socks, with lacy ankles, glided across the white tiled floor. A silky white robe covered her pink pajamas.

I stood up, suggesting, "We should all look for her. I'll search floors one through five with Lian and you two can cover floors six through nine... OH! and the pit."

C sleepily got out of bed like a jellyfish. His bare feet pattered across the floor as Kairi followed after him. He yawned, rubbing his squinty, dark brown eyes, "I hope nothing bad happened to her."

We split, going down two different ends of the hallway. Lian linked her pinky finger with mine, kind of like holding hands, but with pinkies. She waved, shouting, "See you soon!" to C and Kairi.

After checking all the vents, cells, and labs we decided to search the decomposition room. The fresh bloody residue lined the metal bridge we stood on. Below us was the trench with dead and living body's floating in the maggot heat clusters. The screams of those who lived echoed through the room. Why do their screams bring me joy? The smell of rot was foul, but it was home to me. It's kind of funny how trauma can become comfort. Although I felt a thrill hearing their agony, I leaped into the pit and snapped the necks of the living one by one in a final attempt to show them mercy. As much as I wanted to free them, I didn't have the ability to set the free. Only free from this world. 

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