Chapter 28: First Meeting as Seven

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Nova Espirt

Age: 17

Species: Iridescent

Cyrus arranged for a meeting when morning arrived. He knew Leo's time would be occupied with preparations for tonight's upcoming events. He also knew V, C, Kairi, and I didn't have to watch over the pit today.

Inside the Main Lab I sat on the white tiled floor. My back leaned against one of the many yellow bubbling test tubes with preserved bodies of deceased experiments floating inside. Project C and Kairi did as well. We sat in a triangular position, rolling a metallic ball to each other while Cyrus paced the room back and forth, muttering to himself. He groaned in frustration, "They should have been here by now!"

I smiled, "relax," rolling the ball to Kairi.

When Kairi grabbed the ball he yawned, "They're probably having breakfast,"

C complained, "That's not fair!" as he received the ball, "We didn't get breakfast!"

Cyrus laughed, "Really C?" He referred to himself, "Because I remember a certain someone bringing a plate of gourmet breakfast burritos," then referring to C, "And then another certain someone eating the whole plate," his tone switched when shouting, "Without sharing!"

C waved his hand up and down, making a scrunched up face, tightening his smile, "pshhh I don't know what you're talking about. That was just a snack."

Kairi gasped, "I didn't know you brought breakfast burritos!"

Cyrus looked out the door into the hallway, stating, "I did, one for each of us, but I saw no point in telling you since C ATE THEM ALL!"

I took the metal ball out of C's large hands, grinning, "It's okay, I hope you're still hungry." I begun to roll up my gown's sleeve making a fist with that same arm. I yelled, "Because you're about to have a knuckle sandwich!"

I leaped for C, but Kairi grabbed me in midair, redirecting me, 180 degrees to be exact. He grumbled, "It's not worth it Nova." He glared at C, telling me with a grumbling stomach, "We have to conserve our calories now."

Cyrus realized, "Wait, did you just call her? Nova? Is... is that N's real name! How did you remember?!"

"Ah-" Kairi began before the main labs door opened. V, Lian, and Esoteric came inside with three boxes of pizza from a pizzeria in the city. Each of them held one of the large, brown boxes, licking their lips. They must have snuck out to get it, no wonder they took so long. Bless their little hearts they got pizza! I'm starving!

I drooled over the box Esoteric held, "I'm so hungr-" When I opened the box I saw that it was pineapple pizza. I went to the corner of the lab, sulking, "Never mind."

Esoteric asked V, "What's wrong with her?"

Kairi and C joined me in the corner, they begun to sulk as well. Kairi whined, "Out of all the toppings you picked the devils fruit."

Lian baffled, "Wh-what it's just pineapple." She opened her box, saying, "Look, I got pineapple too."

The three of us turned our heads around, making over exaggerated frowns, and then turned our heads back to the corner of the wall. C squealed, "Please V, tell me you didn't get pineapple too."

V said as she opened her box, "I love pineapple, but I know you guys don't, so I got your favorite, anchovies and pickles!"

Esoteric baffled, "They don't like pineapple, but they like that bullshit topping?!"

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