Chapter 24: Its time to Change

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Cyrus Azuré

Age: 15

Species: Iridescent

Ocean waves pulled in more pink sand under the full moon. C sat beside me; we were each on our third beer, seated on realistic thrones we made together out of sand and sea shells. I questioned, "Hey C, how are you able to stay out here? Shouldn't your tattoo..." I slowed down talking when C casually sliced off his tattoo like it was butter, using a beer can he was playing with in his hands.

"Recently I started doing what V does, cutting off the tattoo. It still sends pain waves when I'm outside the boundary of the lab, but it hurts slightly less each time I cut it off," C claimed. He looked up to the stars, speaking his mind, "If I keep cutting it off, maybe one day I won't feel any pain. Then I can finally be free."

I moved the comic book that rested on my lap to the small pile I brought outside. I felt so happy knowing C continued to love comic book heroes just as much as I did. Out of curiosity, I asked, "What would be the first thing you'd do as a free man?"

C took a sip of his beer. He beamed at me, "I would come up with a superhero name and find a fly ass costume."

I clicked my beer can with his, laughing, "Somehow I knew that'd be your answer."

As I sipped my beer, C sought an answer for the same question, "What would the first thing you'd do as a freed man be?"

I blinked a couple times, pointing out, "I'm already free."

C shook his head, chuckling, "Are you really?" I am... aren't I? He faced his back at me while he stretched his long arms upwards, rising from his sandy throne. The ocean waves reached his toe. The ocean itself looked peaceful. He sighed, "You could always be a superhero with me." Oh, how I missed talking to you like this. He cracked his back, adding, "Your superhero name can be... thunder thighs, you got some nice muscular legs."

"Boy, everyone is gonna think I'm a hot chick with that name. They're gonna be hella disappointed when I show up," I laughed, accidently spilling the contents of my beer on my lap.

C began to walk away, increasing his volume the further from me he got, "I should go back to the lab before the others notice I'm gone. This was fun Cyrus; we should do this again some time! Whenever you can you should bring Teric and Lian by the lab! Especially Lian, I want to know what she looks like!"

I shouted back at him, "Lian is Leo's new commander! She's going to be busy with training for a while, but whenever I can I'll bring her!"

"HEY IS THAT LIAN RIGHT NOW?!" He asked pointing to a girl in the woods.


Lian emerged from the woods, taking her first steps on the beach. Her white dress swayed in the wind. From the white of her fair colored skin, subtle evening dress, and long straight hair, her violet eyes stuck out like a sore thumb. The moonlight made her look bright, almost like an angel. Did she come out to talk to me? I watched C converse with my sister, I couldn't hear a single word they said, but they looked over and waved at me a couple times. They talked long enough for me to read the remainder of my comic book. I yelled to C, "So much for leaving!"

C flipped me off, then left a couple minutes later. Lian walked across the beach, unable to look me in the eye. She sat in the throne C made from the pink sand before he left. She fiddled with her thumbs, and then her dress, then back to her thumbs. She said, breaking the silence, "When I talked to C he told me he remembered... as kids... talking to Teric and I from behind the Lab's door. He apologized for randomly disappearing. Apparently Leo found out about it, so he forbid him from the main lab when he was younger. The same went for V, K, and N. Speaking of N, he said she doesn't hold a grudge against me for what happened today, but she does want to talk to me."

Wings: More Than Just Two WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora