Chapter 30: Violets are my favorite flower

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Project V

Age: 11

Species: Incandescent

The entire kingdom was celebrating from all the cities to even the suburban and rural areas. Everything was covered in gold, red, and black, with flashing lights, versatile music, food stands, thousands of games, cultural concerts, epic shows, and A LOT of confetti. Because of the Battle Royal and the involvement of over 500 other kingdoms, the entire world decided to celebrate. I was happy to experience it just Esoteric and I, although I would have had just as much fun with the others present as well.

Wearing a drape over your wings was very common and high in fashion, so when leaving the castle I wore a sparkling gold drape to hide the fact my wings were that of a bat. Paramount is an Iridescent kingdom; any Incandescent found inside would be detained. I wasn't scared, because I had Esoteric by my side. Apparently masks were popular at festivals, especially elaborate masks with feathers or glitter, even led lights, so Esoteric wore one to conceal his identity from the public. His mask was a solid gold color coated with shimmering gold sparkles. The lower half of his face and silver eyes were exposed. We walked through the city, holding each other's hands. Though the war made kingdoms safer, in the fact children can roam around at night without having to worry about being abducted, or taken advantage of, the war has also brought people further apart. Kings are fighting to be the last king on earth, in reality this war is over which species is the superior, so they're not fighting for their people; they are fighting for themselves. Almost everyone on earth has been mislead into believing their species is the greatest. Being an original isn't even considered a species amongst those with wings, they receive no acknowledgement, and if you lose your wings you become a part of them in their eyes.

Esoteric looked me up and down. I wore a red, sparkly skirt with transparent fabric from my mid-thigh to knees and a red crop top, with no sleeves; made with the same fabric as my skirt. Everyone was wearing gold, black, and red since they were Paramount's flag colors. He remarked, "It looks cute on you."

I smiled in a funny voice, running my hand down his shinny black tank top, "You look ravishing yourself Mr. Azure."

We were in Paramount's main city, so the floats that traveled the kingdoms roads all ended up here. I pulled Esoteric's large hand excited, exclaiming, "Look Teric!" A confetti cannon went off and confetti began to fall everywhere like a shimmering snowfall. One float drove down the road, cotton was used to make it look like a giant cloud. Women dressed in white bikinis and men in white Speedos throwing necklaces at the forming crowd. To my eleven year old eyes they looked funny to me. Esoteric couldn't catch any, but I caught two and gave him one.

The crowd grew larger, I couldn't see anything. If I flew like everyone else to get a better view, my drape could fall off. I didn't want to say anything and be a bother to my boyfriend, because he could still see, so I let him enjoy it. But he noticed my struggle, and without a word, he picked me up and flew into the air with me in his arms. He laughed loudly, "Is that better?"

The music faded because we were further away, however I could see everything. I leave the lab at times, sometimes I go to the city, but never have I been in the city this long or seen something this extraordinary in person. My eyes widened with exhilaration as I held onto Esoteric. I grinned, "Way better."

The later it got the less we danced and the more exotic foods we got to eat. Being so young I wondered how people could party this long, but now I know the answer is definitely drugs.

I sat in an empty park with Esoteric beside a little Chinese restaurant. We shared an ice cream cone; chocolate and vanilla swirl to be exact, as we slowly swayed on a pair of swings. We could faintly hear the music from the main city and the other neighboring cities around us. I kicked off my black sandals, sighing, "That was really fun!" I handed the ice-cream to Esoteric. I began to swing a little on the swings, nowhere near high, but my feet did go off the ground. I stopped swinging, beaming brightly, "Thank you for taking me."

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