Chapter 38: I see you

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Necrosis Hale

Age: 12

Species: Incandescent

Four months passed since the day I met my new friends and they joined Sigma Octantis. During these four months all I ever did was spend time with my mother, take a few shifts guarding King Vistacia, and then sneak inside Leo's lab to meet up with my friends. As a boy I was always the odd one out because I was blind. I was born blind. My brain has all the wiring that is necessary to see, but it's not connected. I don't mind now because I can use other forms to see like smell, touch, and sound. At twelve I could do the same, though I'm even better at it now. Growing up it was hard, and no one wanted to play kickball with a blind kid. The past made me afraid to tell my friends, but I decided I shouldn't hide it anymore.

My mother laid on the couch watching her favorite Spanish soap opera, wrapped up in several blankets. It was practically the middle of fall, the weather was chilly. To my mother on the other hand it was as cold as the tundra. Her cancer treatments kept her alive, but weakened her. She barely had the strength to keep herself warm. Victoria Hale, her kind name. I hated my father, so I changed my last name to my mothers. I used to joke with my new friends how we all had 'daddy' issues.

I had just gotten back after a ten-hour shift at King Vistacia's castle. I checked on my mother and made her a cup of hot tea. She smiled, putting her face over the tea's warm steam, "Thank you sweetie."

I kissed her on the forehead, then started putting on my coat as I told her, "I have to go, but I'll be home in time to play cards tonight if you'd like."

"I would like that," she allowed me to leave, "Just be safe out there. It's a dangerous world."

I hate how no one feels safe in this world. I nodded, "Don't worry, I will. Unlike most twelve year old's I can wield a sword."

She admitted, "I hope you're making friends. When my passing comes, I want to know you won't be so lonely."

"Trust me," I grinned, opening the door, "I am."

Just as I walked out my mother reminded me, "Is that why you wanted me to make you that box of doughnuts earlier?"

"I almost forgot, thanks mom," I said, running into our small, rundown kitchen. I picked up the box. As I ran back past her, I tucked her in a little, and then darted out the door.

I usually sneaked inside Leo's castle through the secret door Esoteric and V showed me. Then I would maneuver through the vents until I found the one that lead to Leo's main lab. I was always careful and avoided certain part of the vent for safety. Lian lost her wings from the vent. We didn't meet in the lab every day; sometimes we would only meet once a week. We only ever met up when most of us were unoccupied, and when Leo left the castle. Leo left that night to open up a world history museum in the center of Paramount along with sub museums in other Iridescent kingdoms. They may not be his citizens, but he very well knows one day they will be, and he wants their acceptance before becoming their king.

I fell from the vent, inside the main lab. I could hear the test tubes bubbling. My feet walked across the tiled floor gradually. I could sense the counters and cabinets, nothing else. Where is everybody?.  I opened the box of doughnuts and started eating a glazed one. I asked my mother to make a box of thirty, but knowing how ravenous C's appetite is and my stomach being a bottomless pit I should have asked for more. The sweet maple smell filled the air.

Cyrus entered through the main labs entrance. Over time his hair started to make a slight wisping sound. From that I knew his hair was growing out. If I had to guess I would say his hair grew 4 inches. I learned he had chestnut hair and siler eyes through conversation. I did my best to remeber colors so when people asked me what color something was I could answer and continue hiding I wasn't blind. Just like how the floors are white, the test tubes are yellow, and so on. I joked to Cyrus, "Oh great leader, what is today's master plan?"

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