Chapter 21: Forever Young

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Leo Azuré

Age: 35

Species: Iridescent

I realized, it's too early in the game to let either of my children die. Though the only one closest to perfection is Esoteric, the other two have my DNA, so they aren't too far off from it. They can't die, not yet. Lian collapsed soon after Cyrus, but Lian was the victor. I honestly thought Lian would be the one to die, which is why I said, 'To the death,' however, seeing Lian isn't completely weak I decided to spare both their lives.

I was not certain as to what happened to Lian, but I didn't care to know. I had previously planned on giving her a synthesized form of her strength suppressant that would make her less fragile. I had been working on the suppressant for ten years, but because of the drastic change taken in her body that day it wouldn't work. All the biological mechanisms in her body had changed. Now I have to up the dosages and change the formula. I wasn't planning to change her medicine for another year. I Know I wanted to build up her tolerance so one day nothing can stop her, but it's happening quicker than I anticipated. 

I brought Lian and Cyrus back to my lab to heal their wounds. Each rested on separate metal tables, unconscious. Both were de-clothed with white tarps covering their bodies. They were connected to IV machines to replenish their fluids. I wonder why Lian didn't go rouge this time around. Maybe she didn't lose enough blood to do so? 

Cyrus's heart only wore a single stab wound, so it wasn't impossible to heel, just extremely difficult. If his heart were to, let's say be failing, then I wouldn't have been able to heal it. With a stab wound all I had to do was stitch it up, make sure he had enough blood, and so on. With a failing heart I would have to replace the whole thing. The problem with that is once injected with the serum you can only accept donors of the same blood type who have been injected with the serum themselves. The problem gets worse since there are only eight people I administered the serum to, and Lian was not one of them. I say this is a problem because I took out the memory of the formula from my brain, reason being I didn't want anyone else to steel it. I'm not the only scientist in the world you know. I may be the best, but even the best should take precaution.

"YOU MONSTER!" Eve screamed as the wall opened. It rippled like water as a circular hole grew to let her in. She stood on her toes, with her face in front of mine, shouting, "How dare you treat our children like that!"

"When were they ever our children?" I chuckled, casually administrating a shot into Eve's left arm. She flinched. I could tell she wanted to pull away from the shot, but she allowed me to continue. I went on, "The last time I checked you only carried one inside you, you never made them, I made them; therefore they are my children and mine alone."

She questioned, staring at the arm I injected, "What does it do?"

"This shot has a virus, a good virus, that will combat the hallmarks of aging such as stem cell exhaustion, genomic instability, and telomere attrition to name a few. It is not perfect, but it is safe and potent enough all your surface cell receptors should be able to identify the virus and allow infiltration. In time, as the infection spreads all your cells will receive a new DNA code, and this code will give your cells the information it needs to produce the proteins necessary to prevent aging. You will look young forever, well thirty five... although to be quite honest you look twentyyy, twenty six... almost twenty seven... still somewhat young."

"Are you considering releasing this to the public?"

"If I win the war. Anyways it's not perfect yet," I sighed, taking off my bloody gloves. I ironically wore them because I didn't want my hands to get filthy, but my hands brought so many to pain and torture, thrill-fully performing Satan's dirty work, constantly bathed in the unchanged bath waters of sin. They've been filthy for a long time.

She examined her arm, probably shocked by the lack of pain, "Why did you give it to me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not testing it on you, I already tested it on myself and thousands of experiments before me. I want us to remain youthful until the day death greats us. After a certain age, the older you get, the weaker your body becomes, and we already passed that age. I refuse to allow us to become any weaker."

I documented that day's events in my clipboard. I could hardly write with my jittery hands. It had been so long since the last time I slept I lost track of time. All I cared about was my lab work, winning the war, and how the public perceived me. All three factors were essential to allow me to finally quench the revenge I sought on the world. The original eve would be ashamed for the mass hysteria and unimaginable horrors I planned, but I needed to teach the world a lesson.

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