Chapter 17: Why?

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Project V

Age: 11

Species: Incandescent

We must have been talking for hours in that air vent because I felt like I knew this girl as well as the back of my hand. Lian Azure was a cute little, ten year old girl, with big purple eyes, and long, dirty blonde hair. She wanted to change the world for the better, just like me. Both of us were so open with each other, it amazed me, because each of us claimed we had a hard time telling people how we truly felt. We even told each other secrets our families didn't even know about. Lian soon shrieked, "Wait, what time is it?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know, I don't have a watch," I laughed.

She mumbled, "I'm so late," as she speedily crawled away. Her hands and knees made thuds against the vents metal floor.

"WAIT!" I wanted to know, "When can I see you again?"

"Ah, how about tomorrow," Lian turned back around, "Actually, you know what, you crawl around the vents every now and then right?"


"So why don't you try to find me tonight, then we can pl-"GRrrr Brrrrrrrrrrrr A loud noise went off a distance away and echoed down the vent. Lian asked, "What was that?" Then the vent begun to shake, and slowly pulled us down in a suction gradually growing in strength. The scent of decaying bodies soon filled the vent. Lian covered her nose, gagging, "What's that smell?"

I closed my eyes, picturing what room we were above in the castle. Then it hit me, we were above the decomposition room, the room where the deceased experiments decayed. Leo turned on the fan to conduct the smell of rotting flesh out of the castle. I screamed to Lian, "HOLD ON TO ME!" It was too late to run away, the suction of the fan was powerful. We tumbled down the vent, holding each other, yelling for help. Because of my heeling abilities, it was best if I took the brunt of it. My body slammed against the metal walls repeatedly, breaking my bones, and bursting my skin open from extreme impact. It all happened so quickly. I couldn't cushion Lian's arms. She screamed in the same pain I screamed the first time Leo broke my arms. There is something called a pain threshold. The more pain one has felt, the more pain one could handle. Lian never felt such pain; she was a virgin to torture.

Our blood spattered all around us. Then, in the distance, I saw a large fan with blades so sharp it could cut through diamonds. If I go through without protecting Lian, I would survive, but she would die. If I go through protecting Lian, she would survive, but the blade would surly decapitate me if she's my focus, and then I would be the one dead. Sometimes we do things that put our lives in danger with no reason other than it feels like the right thing to do. I'll save Lian! I told Lian, "I'm sorry, but I don't know if I'll be able to see you again."

My grip around her became weak, and vision blurred. The blood loss lead to fatigue, damn it, why now! 

Wings: More Than Just Two WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora