Chapter 21

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While me and Charlie where at my match the rest of the school was at the Slytherin vs huffelpuff match where Slytherin narrowly defeated huffelpuff.

"You made it into the daily profit again!" Charlie says handing me a folded over copy of the daily profit.

I unfold it and read. In the corner of the front cover was a little picture of me flying on my broom from the weekend and a little paragraph. This only covered around a quarter of the page.

The little article

Olivia Anderson back and better than ever 
On Saturday Olivia Anderson former player for the Irish quidditch team, had her first match back , after mullets departure this season due to injury. Witches and wizards that were in the crowd said it was a sight to be seen.
Wizard Mathew Stan said "I've never seen anything like it, it looked like she was part of the broom, the way she moved and stole the quaffle. It was the best matches I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of quidditch matches"
Ondreaz Garcia younger brother of Tommy Garcia (a player on the Spanish team) said

"I was obviously supporting Spain, but now I am seriously debating weather who I will support, with Olivia on the team Ireland are definitely going to win the cup this year"

The final score was two hundred and sixty to twenty, Olivia scoring one hundred points, and never missing a shot.
More on page 3

"They certainly think highly of me" I say nodding me head.

"Olivia you where brilliant!"

"Imagine if a team members sibling said that he's debating who he will rout for? Imagine if that was an Irish sibling?, he'd be skinned alive"

"Probably" Charlie said swallowing the bacon he had in his mouth.
"But now....I think Ireland's going to get a lot more support"

"But the only extra support we'll be getting is from people that change who they support mid season so they can say their team is winning"

"True, but support is still support"

"I guess" I say and we continue eating.

I notice that students keep looking up at me, smiles on their faces.

"There's nothing about black in their?" Asks Charlie a little while later

"Yeah, they don't report on him unless they have a lead or think there getting closer to catching him. Embarrassing really isn't it? He escaped months ago and there's dementors everywhere and there still not any closer to finding him" I say siting back in my chair.


"Personally I don't think it's fair what he's getting, a kiss is horrible"

"Even from me?" He says a cheeky smile on his face

"You know what I mean" I say smiling

"But he killed all those muggles?"

"Or do they say? They never gave him a trial, never gave him a chance to hear his side of the story....noting"

"True, but there was witnesses weren't their?" Charlie says siting back in his chair.

"Sure it's as easy to place a fake memory in their minds as it is to remove it"

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