Chapter 30

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There's  probably a lot of spelling mistakes in this chapter but I wanted to get this chapter finished, so enjoy.

"Ladies and gentlemen.........welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty second quidditch World Cup!" Roared the voice of ludo bagman.
The speactators screamed even louder and clapped even louder.

"And now, without further ado! Allow me to introduce.....the Bulgarian team mascots!"

Aidan turned to the rest of his team, obviously trying to come up with a pep talk but he's nervous.

"Ok so luke and Paul, remember what we talked and practiced? Keep the bludgers away from the chasers, Olivia, James and Darren remember the q, don't forget"

The q is a thing we kind of named ourselves, so basically what it is a relationship between the chasers were we can basically know what the other is going to do right before we do it, like I might know that James is going to pass to me so I extended my arm the catch the quaffle, it took ages to perfect and we all had to spend hours practicing it.

"Barry, don't let it in ok? Don't let that quaffle any were near you" Aidan says shaking his head.

"Olivia, your the best chaser of all time, if we can just get ahead by a lot then Krum will catch the snitch and we'll still win" he said, I have heard this line so often I've memorised it.

"Have faith in yourself" I say to him

"Krums the best seeker of the league, I have almost no chance, but if you keep scoring, we'll win"

"Don't give up Aidan, just because he's slightly better than you normally doesn't mean today, he could have a bad day and you a great one"

"Alright, everyone in!" He calls throwing out his hand in front of him.

The rest of us put our hands on top of his

"We've got this! We've got this! Alright"

"Right" the six of us say

"One, two, three" we all say and get onto our brooms, any second now the man behind us would tell us to fly over the stadium to start the match.

We stand in line on our brooms, in the stadium the Bulgarian team mascots should be doing their show.

"And now" roared ludo Bahamas voice that was so loud we could hear it from miles away.
"Kindly put your wands in the air..........for the Irish national team mascots!"

Over the next minute we could see the top of green and rainbow explosions over the top of the stadium, we couldn't see the full show as most of it was going on in the stadium. We could hear "ohhhs" and "ahhhhs" coming from the stadium. And then the crowed burst into screams and clapping.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome the Bulgarian national quidditch team! I give you - dimitrov!" Shouted ludo bagman and I could just make out a scarlet figure zoom over the top of the other side of the stadium and into the pitch, he was moving so fast, he was blurred.

"Ivanovo!" Ludo shouted and a second
scarlet-robed played zoomed over the top of the stadium into the pitch.

"Zograf! Levski! Vulchanov! Volkov! Aaaaaaannndddddd - Krum!"

Ludo shouted and five more scarlet robbed players zoomed over the top and into the stadium. The crowd was screaming and clapping extremely loud.

"Ok, you guys need to fly over the stadium, in three, two, one!" He shouts and once the says one the seven of us kick off the ground and fly straight towards the stadium, as we're flying I hear ludo shout.

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