Chapter 50 | The unfortunate event: part 2

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"Why would you give birth to a child and have her suffer," Kurapika said, tightening the chains. "Kurapika, stop.. it's not going to do anything for you to kill her now," Leorio said, behind Kurapika. Kurapika didn't listen to Leorio.

"No.. why- why should they have a family.. when they slaughtered mine. Don't you feel anything?" Kurapika said, deadly staring at me.

'What the hell, the others are just standing there.. I'm so confused'

"ANSWER ME!" Kurapika said, stabbing a chain inside of me. My heart jumped, feeling a chain slowly wrap around my heart. The tip of the chain slowly jabbing the outside of my heart.

"OKAY.. I'm sorry.. I had nothing to do with it then.. I'm sorry, I feel bad.. Just- please.. Ever since Feitan- then Maiko.. I couldn't have been happier. Leave Maiko alone, I beg you.." I said. Falling to my knees. Kurapika's chain exited my body. I let out a relieved sigh, knowing I wasn't going to be killed now.

"You'd only be saved now because there's a minor watching. I wouldn't want her traumatiz-" Kurapika almost finished his sentence when Gon and Killua yelled out, "HEY!"

I looked to the side, and Maiko was gone. I looked around the room for her, to find her behind Kurapika. "KURAPIKA, BEHIND YOU.." Leorio yelled out. Kurapika slowly removed the chains from my body. His chains slapping Maiko, throwing her off to the side.

"MAIKO!" I yelled out to her. I ran to her, and set her on my lap. "YOU'RE INSANE, YOU KNOW" I yelled to Kurapika, "THANK GOD YOUR BASTARD CLAN DIED." I said. I picked Maiko up, setting her on one of the benches. I know Kurapika was most definitely offended. He sprinted my way, about to land a punch when I easily dodged it.

"You idiot, you don't know a thing about my clan.. and how much I went through," Kurapika said. He stood for a second, his eyes scarlet once again.

"Feitan, take Machi. Everyone else, please leave.." I said. The others quickly left the building. Gon, Killua and Leorio also left another way. They all watched through the windows.

"You enjoy a 1 on 1 fight as well? This will be wonderful practice," Kurapika said, looking back at me. "Hmph, don't underestimate me.." I said. I ran in first for a punch, but he easily dodged it. He almost kicked me from behind, but I jumped up, swinging my leg, kicking his face. He spit out some blood, but looked like he wasn't done fighting.

'Shit, his chains are still a pain.. I have to have my gyo handy..'

We both landed a few punches on each other for quite a while, but it doesn't seem like he's given up. "Is that all you got?" he asked me after I landed another punch on him.

"Bit-" I said. I swung for another punch, but he jumped back a few 10 feet.

"Sharp impact," I whispered under my breath. I felt my aura size change. My hair and eye colors had also changed completely different. "You're not the only specialist bitch around here."

Our fighting got so much more intense. Many more stronger punches leaving us nearly to the point of passing out. "Y/N," I heard Machi yell from outside, "that's enough, just call quits!"

"I won't let her.. I'll kill her here and now if I have to," Kurapika said, standing up wearingly.

"This is pointless.." I said. I was walking towards the exit, but a quick flash came by me. I quickly turned my head and gasped. "F-feitan.." I said. He was wrapped in chains. Kurapika cared no more who was in his chain jail.

"Watch your ass next time," he said, spitting blood out. "Feitan, can't you use your pain pa-" "No." he said. Not only did he cut me off to answer, but he didn't want me revealing his ability to Kurapika.

"Let him go-" I said, I almost went charging towards Kurapika, but I felt a knife on my neck. I felt a weak, but fast aura. It's got to be Leorio.. I was in no position to move. I know if I do, he wouldn't hesitate to kill me..

I felt a collapse behind me. I look behind me to see Machi near Leorio's unconscious body. "He's weak with nen," she said. I thanked her, and went back to the dangerous situation we were in.

'What do I do, what the HELL do I do??' I tried to think of many things, but none came to mine. I can't break the chains around Feitan.. but I can distract Kurapika enough for Feitan to enable his nen..

I conjured my blades, having them attack Kurapika. He wasn't prepared, so his nen faded as he dodged my attack. He had one knee on the ground. I walked towards him. I conjured my blades around him so he couldn't move.

"Feitan, go!" I said, still pinning Kurapika down with my blades close behind me in case he tried to pull something funny.

"But, y/n.." he said, knowing what would happen if he did.. "JUST DO IT," I yelled towards him.

"I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt you.." Feitan said, his face calmed into a sad look in his eyes.

"I'll be okay, trust me.. you can't kill me easily.. NOW HURRY!" I yelled. Feitan's nen grew larger, to a different color. A bright light fired through the entire room. I couldn't see anything, but I know Kurapika used that chance to use his chains, once again, on me..

"Please, Feitan.. do it right.." I sobbed a little. "P-pain packer.." Feitan's voice cracked, but nothing happened.

'He's not mad enough-'

"Y/n-" Feitan stuttered again. "Feitan.. if you don't do this, this man in front of me will kill me, then will come for the rest of the troupe! Don't let that happen," I said. "Pain packer," he said, a bit more confident this time. A smile formed on my face. "You always looked so cute in that nen-outfit" I sniffled out.

"What in the world..?" Kurapika said, looking up at the little flame going up to the ceiling of the room. "Rising sun." Kurapika noticed the large sun in the room, burning us up both. His chains disappeared. I used that opportunity to use my blades quickly to pin him down.

"Boom!" the blades exploded, leaving him somewhat unconscious on the floor.

"Y/n- run.." Feitan said. The room was already burning up, flames everywhere. There wasn't a way I could exit. I noticed a back door, leading to some stairs. I quickly went up them, but flames had already reached the top exit and windows.

"Shit.." I said. Feitan assumed I had escaped by now, and burned the entire downstairs, with Kurapika in the flames, burnt with his clan.. Knowing he'd be happy with his old friends and family now. (Pairo moment-)..

A large amount of flame was upstairs. I couldn't breathe much anymore. The fire surrounded me, not letting me escape. I glanced a little out the window to see the troupe on a few roof tops. I saw Maiko safely with Shalnark. He held her closely, knowing something bad had to have happened.

I made eye contact with Maiko.

"MAIKO-" I yelled with coughs following.

"MOMMYYY-" her voice echoed. My eyes closed slowly... "Maiko, your voice.. *cough* I- *cough* love you.." I passed out on the floor.


*giggles in cliff hanger*

I'LL UPDATE TOMORROW.. when it's tomorrow, y'all spam my comments here telling me to update because I know i'll be lazy.

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