Chapter 54 | Amelia and y/n's news

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TW: Seizures!

A/n: I had seizures when I was really young, so I am writing what I sometimes went through. Most of it was unable to speak. When I did, I'd end up mumbling words but no real ones came out.. Shaking and such is apart of seizures. I don't know about vomiting though.

if theres mistakes, pls tell me<3


"There's something I should tell you guys," Amelia said, walking to the rest of the troupe. Everyone was still sitting around the table as Machi finished talking about wedding plans and such. Amelia took a few minutes to explain everything about what will happen within a month or so.

"SHE'LL WHAT?" Nobunaga said, slamming the table with his fist. He was clearly UNHAPPY. Knowing y/n's life would be soon to be over. Everyone pouted, some started to sob a little. Except Feitan. He lifted his mask up higher to cover the sad + angry look on his face.

-- Feitan POV --

'What the hell.. what the hell... WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL..'

I got up, going to the restroom. I got in, and slammed the door, locking it. I let out a loud scream, knowing the others probably heard it. I went to the sink, looking right into the mirror. I can hear y/n's happy voice in my head, her lewd calm moans when we're together alone, and her soft giggles. 

'I can't lose her, I'll do whatever it takes to keep her.. If there's nothing I can do, I'll die besides her. No... but what about Maiko.. God DAMNIT!'

I couldn't bear the pain. My legs wearingly fell to the ground. I managed to sit up against the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest. Tears splashing onto the ground. Many of them.

"Hey, Feitan," I heard nobunaga banging on the door. I didn't respond, but I let out a loud hum so he knows I'm listening, "We're going to go check up on y/n, come with."

I slowly got up, unlocking the door. Following behind everyone. Amelia walked besides me, but I didn't look at her. I only looked down to the ground. We got closer and closer to the hospital, only fearing we'd arrive at a bad time.

-- Hospital/ nurses POV's --

"Y/n, you're alright, please calm down!" a nurse was trying to calm y/n down. One moment, she was doing fine, then the next she began to shake. She started to mumble out words, but none understandable by any human language.

"Y/n, relax yourself, please. If you continue to panic, you'll only have a heart attack," the same nurse was trying to calm the crazy patient down. "Did you figure out what's happening to her??" the nurse asked the doctor who bursted in.

"She's having a seizure. A major one. If it doesn't stop soon, we'll have to pull the plug on her," the doctor said. Y/n heard, and froze. "MM DYING??" y/n said, panicking even more. She was stressing out, not able to control what her body was doing.

"Y/N, PLEASE.." the doctor said. He went to the side of the bed, and helped her to lay on her side. That was able to forcefully calm her down. Y/n's breathing went back to a normal pace. That was until she felt a weird sensation coming back up her throat.

"Oh, god.. Please bring cleaning supplies to clean up this mess," the doctor informed the nurse who quickly went to find a mop. "So, y/n, if you could use fingers to tell me, when was the last time you went through intercourse. One finger for recently, two for a while ago, and three for a very long time ago."

Y/n lifted up two fingers after mentally processing what the doctor said. He nodded his head, writing on the clip board. He asked more questions, with the use of a few signs he asked y/n to use to answer. He asked for a pee sample, which he gave y/n privacy to do. After running tests, he came back.

"You're pregnant."

"MM REGNANT??(IM PREGNANT?)" y/n managed to mumble out. Y/n looked around the room, forgetting her own current child, "mmko?(Maiko?)"

"She's with a few nurses. We asked them to watch her since you were going through a bit of a seizure not too long ago." the doctor said, sitting down on the spinning chair.

"SSzure? Mm no eppeiptic. (Seizure? I'm not epileptic..)," y/n said, resting her head on the bed. "Well, it appears you are epileptic, yet you haven't shown signs of any sorts of seizure attacks until now," doctor answered.

"Regnant.. maiko. Pregnant.. I'm pregnant?" y/n said, slowly gaining back her speech. The troupe walked right through the door, seeing y/n again. Everyone wasn't as happy as before, but y/n, oblivious herself, was happy to see them.

-- Y/n POV --

"Feitan!" I said, as I saw the short figure walk through the door. He came towards me, leaving a kiss on my forehead. "Y/n," he said, holding onto my hands. I told him the news that the doctor told me. A shocked look on Feitan's face, as he's realizing that he's going to have another kid.

"Y/n, there's something we should tell you.." Amelia said walking through the door.



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