⚠️🦊Akechi Mitsuhide {Not Really My Type of Guy} [IkeSen]

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Modern! AU :D

All the boys are here, but main focus is Mitsuhide. Please be aware that I apologize if he is out of character (OOC).


BFF: Best Friend (For now)

S(T?)B: Stupid (Toxic?) Boyfriend [you can name him too, to vent out all ur problems at]

⚠️Warning: Slight mention of violence, use of drugs, and smoking. I do not support this. So please don't do it. There are many who have and they died. Some who were fortunate enough not to die have stayed clean. Please do not overlook this part of the chapter. About violence, please skip this. Read at your own risk.⚠️

[Omfg such a long intro-]

"C'mon, babe.. It's not even gonna take us that longg. Just in and out, I promise."

"That sounds like assault, my dude. She didn't even give you her consent." BFF says, as she walks in.

"That's not what I meant, stupid. We were gonna go to that one store across the road and steal a Gatorade." S(T?)B says. You shake your head.

"Why can't you just use money?" You suggest.

"Money..?! Actual currency?! Babe, are you hearing yourself?"

"Yeah, well it shouldn't be too hard to be a considerate civilian. I mean, these people try to work as well. who knows, they might-"

"Quiet. I don't wanna hear another word from you unless it's my name."

Suddenly, you had an excellent idea. you didn't like the way S(T?)B treats you and BFF. It was cruel, to say the least. the other members, he listens to them. But to the both of you? It's just S(T?)B talking. And you've had enough of his atrocious behaviour. It sucked enough knowing that his balls, and vocabulary was outshined by his pride and ego.

You didn't like that. He wasn't really the one for you, the day he asked you to join him, after spilling his secrets; That he was working for one of the most wanted organization. Aside from staying with him, whenever he went out on 'missions', you stayed behind, as you were just an extra pawn for them to use. S(T?)B's branch was drugs. He even tried to convince you to take some, but you were keen not to, having read an article not too long ago that a singer overdosed and was dead for two minutes.

"Hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B, hey S(T?)B-"

"Just shut up, shut up! God, Y/N, you're so annoying!!"

"No, I am Y/N. Not "so annoying". Learn that. Get it through your thick skull that your skull is thin. Your ego's just too big for me to pierce. You have no room for emotional love. Admit it. Your pride is getting in the way of the relationship."

"Okay, fine. So what if it is? You're just an expendable pawn to the Organization. They don't care. So why should I, little s***?"

There was a sharp noise that rang out. BFF was standing in front of S(T?)B, having slapped him hard across the face.

"Don't you dare talk to my best friend like that. I don't care if the thing that separates us is this Organization, or the fact I do drugs or smoke. I care about Y/N, and you should be ashamed of yourself. She's a wonderful person, inside and out, who was once shining brightly in the eyes of everyone she knew until you came! You tainted her with this! You don't deserve her love, or to be graced by her presence! We're leaving, and you can't stop us." BFF left him on the ground, after kicking him hard where the sun don't shine. Very hard. Grabbing your wrist, she escorted you out, after handing you a knife, keeping her gun in hand.

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