When they find out you're famous [IkeVamp]

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Requested by: i-luv-seals

Thank you so much for your request!!

Idk why this went off track but i love it-

Had so much fun and trouble writing the equivalent for the IkeSen part of this lol anyways, lets get on with this! :D

It all starts on a summer Wednesday. Y/N L/N is sweeping outside, being battered by the heat, the wind being the only comfort for them.

This was a typical summer morning.

But not where we're going.

It was a bit of a shocker for Y/N to know that she wasn't in her own time anymore.

It was just as sad that she didn't even know until it had to be spelled out for her.

So now, back to Wednesday.

Y/N's cleaning outside, happily, as it isn't as hot anymore compared to the future.

She finishes up outside and heads back in, ready to clean up and make dinner.

Once done, she sat at the table with everyone, even Shakespeare visited. All went well until Osamu raised a question.

"So, Toshiko-san. You've been with us for a while, but we dont know about your previous occupation or occupations."

"He has a point. You wouldn't mind telling us, right?" Arthur asks, interested.

"Well, I was a singer. I used to sing songs in front of large audiences."

"Why'd you stop? Why'd you abandon it?"

"Because I got injured."

"Oh.. sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. I've gotten over it, for the most part. But the accident is why I don't really like dresses and prefer things that are usually for men."

-went to your room later that night
-hummed a lullaby to you
-you both started humming lullabies to each other and both fell asleep in each other's arms

-you went to the music room and found him
-you both started brain storming a song
-when it got late, you both retired to his room.

-you were on one of your little night strolls through the garden in your sweater and loose pants, the outfit you had on when you came here
-you two were just talking the whole night
-both of you did a duet of simple nursery rhymes, it was fun

-he wanted coffee
-you wanted coffee
-he got you to sing a song
-you got him to sing a song

-you both sang songs while he painted you
-he got bored which is why he asked you to be his muse; it was fun
-you both got to connect a lot
-he likes when you sing because you smile a lot, but you smile genuinely, and he likes seeing that rare smile

-boi really went to great lengths just to know about you
-you sang a song
-was tempted to sing along
-you both started singing quietly in his room before going to sleep

-was pretty chill about everything you vented
-you both started doing a complimemt war until Isaac came in and told you both to shut up because he was, "not gonna be able to sleep"
-you sang a lullaby on repeat until uou got tired
-he fell asleep shortly after you

-asked you a ton of questions about your past but kept it so you were not weirded out
-in the morning you started quietly singing

-he asked you a ton of questions
-kept it bearable
-you asked him why he wore his eyepatch
-when you guys went to sleep, you hummed a lullaby

-he made a play loosely based off your story
-you sang a song
-he sang a song
-you both dueted a song

-you told him everything you could and wanted to
-it was a calm night
-you both stayed up
-and you got a day off

-he already knew
-boi did his research
-you sang him a song
-you both sang songs until morning came in the library


A/N: Aplogies if this was short, seemed rushed, and took long!! I have a lot on my plate rn so this was the best i could do on such a small amount of time!

Have a wonderful day!! ♡♡

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