🦌Ieyasu Tokugawa {Tourette's Syndrome} [IkeSen]

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Requested by Shyanne700

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I dropped my needle onto the floor as it landed with a soft 'clank'.

I looked down at my trembling fingers as they bled. Slowly, I closed my eyes and started breathing deeply in order to calm myself as my body started trembling involuntarily.

I didn't ask to be like this...

I didn't want to be like this...

Why me..?

For years, I was shunned away from other because I would involuntarily start shaking. As a child, I just assumed other people would just mind their own buisiness and get on with their life.

But noo, they just had to mock me like it was amusing.. Somtimes, they would run away and shout, like I was infected with some contagious disease.
Tourette's Syndrome: a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities.
My tics weren't necessarily harmful to other people.

I wasn't a threat to them.

Actually, I was more of a minor threat to myself.

Whenever I would have tics, be it before bed or early morning, I would somehow injure myself.

Sometimes, its a small cut from a knife when I chop veggies.

Other times, its when I prick my fingers multiple times while sewing.

Either way, I always end up shedding a drop of blood.

Sometimes, I wonder to myself...

Did I deserve you? Did I deserve anyone?

But the answer you always provide is 'Yes.'

Why..? Why do you love me, Ieyasu Tokugawa, 3rd of Japan's Great Unifiers..??

"Y/N, snap out of it. Hello?" I jumped out of my reverie as I looked around only to be met by Ieyasu's gorgeous green eyes.

"O-oh... What is it?"

"...I came in and you were having one of your 'tics'.. You were contemplating to yourself about your self-worth again, weren't you?"


I averted my gaze and nodded slowly.

With his hand, he tilted my face up.

"..Don't worry about that. I hate seeing you like that. You know how it affects my mood too, right..? Oh, I bandaged your hands, by the way." He finished with a soft smile.

I looked down at my hands. They weren't bleeeding anymore. They were also neatly wrapped in bandages.

Patting me on the shoulder, he stood up.

"Well, it's late. Its not good to stay up all the time. Come on."

Putting away my materials, I laid down and slowly closed my eyes as I felt his hands massage my face.

I hadn't known that I had such a concerned expression the whole time.

Relaxing, and feeling secure, I slowly allowed sleep to take me away to a land where I wouldn't be harmed.

I awoke the next day with a start.

I looked down at my hands.

The bandages were off and my fingers were fine.

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