A Kiss For Your Thoughts?

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✧ Hello readers! Chanii here!
✧ Welcome back! Thank You for being here <3
✧ I actually have a lot of ideas already, and they're safe ones(I think they're all soft and fluffy ones) so you guys have no problem with tears, yet...
✧ One sided reveal AU. Marinette knows, Adrien doesn't. Enjoy!
"Please, dude! We have no other choice!", a desperate plea from Nino, another attempt to convince his best friend. A sigh comes out of Adrien and he looks at Nino with a slight frown, eyebrows slightly furrowed. There was a bit of a mishap with the actors for the play their school is holding. The supposed actor got sick due to overworking and there was no understudy, so Nino was asking him to fill out the role instead.

Adrien crosses his arms. "Nino, you know the reason I didn't join this play in the first place..", he merely answers. With everything that he has to juggle in his life, being a superhero and a person with full schedule 24/7, Adrien has no time for more extra-curricular activities. It was almost impossible to even catch up with school works when his photoshoots coinciding with his school schedule.

Nino sighs. "I know... But aren't you on break right now? Maybe make use of that time instead?", the brunet suggests, not meaning anything bad by it. "You're a model! Plus, you voiced Chat Noir in that animated movie. With that charisma and stage presence, I'm sure you'll be able to do it.", Nino points out. Seeing his best friend plead for his help made him feel bad.

"Nino, I was reading off a script! I can't memorize all of this within 24 hours!". Adrien scans the stapled stack of paper with a frown on his face. With so much frowning he's done, he'd probably get wrinkles.

His best friend clapped a hand a hand on his shoulder. "If anyone can pull it off, it's you, Adrien".

With a sigh, he gives up resisting and reluctantly agrees. "Okay. I'll fill in the role for you guys", Adrien says. The DJ's face beamed and he immediately gave Adrien a hug. Thanking his best friend with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you, dude! You're the best! Now all that's left is to check on everyone else", quickly whipping out his checklist, Nino dragged Adrien by the wrist to meet up with everyone else. The play is a collaboration of two different third-year classes, from Mme. Bustier's and from another class(the class Marc is in) in order to make everything efficient.

Adrien didn't have a plan on joining at all, only to help out with funds instead of doing anything major. This was merely a huge turn of events. The model excused himself with the others to rehearse his lines. He's glad that he's well-versed when it comes to cramming and doing impromptu improvisation, or else he'd surely be screwed.

After a while, Nino called everyone for their final overall rehearsal. The thought of having his first rehearsal being his last made him cringe. The model borrowed Nino's checklist and saw familiar names, but his eyes stopped to one specific name. "You didn't tell me that Marinette is included in the acting. I've always thought that she'd volunteer with designing", the model points out, catching Nino's attention.

Nino shot him a knowing smile, which he didn't get. "Ah, she's the understudy for the girls. She is in-charge for the costumes though", he says, making Adrien smile. Marinette is just that talented, huh?

Adrien frowns when realization dawned on him. "They didn't cast an understudy for the boys?", he asks Nino who can only rub the back of his head sheepishly.

Nino shook his head in disagreement. "Sorry dude, but Marinette was a special case! She casted in acting hoping to get in the ensembles so she could still do the costumes but she did great and landed the lead role!". Nino said, almost in disbelief. They didn't really expect Marinette to have a knack for acting. Then again, she never fails to surprise the people around her with her hidden talents.

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