" Didn't I Warn You Twice Already? "

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pic @ceejurs
✧ Hello everyone! How are you?
✧ I apologize for the lack of updates, my sched has been packed with school lately. 3rd Sem is almost here skdjkss. Gang of Secrets have aired a few days ago as well! Make sure to actually check it out to not miss anything.
✧ I was supposed to write angst but nah, I'm sparing y'all. We're all in a really messed up season rn so we gotta chill for a bit.
✧ It is what the title says, if you can figure it out, great for you! This might be a tad bit short since I'm in a rush but I hope you enjoy!
For as long as he remembers, Adrien has always tolerated Lila Rossi's lies. Cowardice, but a tad bit mature. He had a point advicing Marinette to take the high road with him as they both know the truth already. So when the day Marinette's expulsion came because of Lila's pathological lying, it almost made him lose his temper.

When he got to that upcoming photoshoot scheduled near the Seine and seeing Lila so relaxed and living her best life as his friend got expelled wrongfully, it got him riled up, in an 'I wanna punch your face' way. Lila may have bad blood with Marinette for the fact that she isn't as gullible as the others, but the audacity of her acting like she had done nothing wrong made his blood boil. Of course, he couldn't stand by and do nothing about it. He's beginning to see why it was such a stupid advice..

Asking Vincent to talk with Lila alone for a few minutes, he huffed, growled lowly, annoyed by this whole ordeal and made his way to sit next to the chair beside Lila. He was beyond annoyed but he has to control himself. His recklessness might lead to Lila going after Marinette's neck a lot more and he isn't here for it.

"I warned you once already, Lila, but you didn't listen", Adrien hears the Italian gasp lightly beside him. "You hurt my friend Marinette and that's not okay"

The tone of his voice and protectiveness was most likely what got Lila taken aback. Sputtering. "Me? Hurting Marinette? But she wa—"

Not even letting her finish explaining herself, Adrien had cut her off. "I don't know how to prove you lied, Lila because you're good at it. And now you have to come up with another lie, just as convincing, only this time it's going to prove Marinette's innocent"

Lila's fake sob face turned that into a grimace. "And why would I do that, Adrien?", she asks rather smugly.

"Because we're friends aren't we?"

The next day, all the misunderstandings cleared up, somehow and Marinette's relationship with her friends were back on stability. Adrien was content for that and hoped that Lila wouldn't dare do anything that would hurt Marinette or his other friends in any way. Not on his watch.

It was a relatively peaceful time after that had happened(minus the other akumas that erupted, but they took care of it swiftly), nothing was happening and akumas seem to be on a halt. Guess Paris has been in a great mood lately? It was unnerving and quite paranoia-inducing when there's nothing going on, it's like something big is supposed to happen, but Adrien could only hope for the latter to not happen at all. It was nice to have breaks for a change, constant akumas can be tiring.

As he made his way to the locker rooms, he saw Lila coming out of the lockers area, smirking and giving him a sickeningly sweet smile and wave as she walked past him, which he returned as a polite gesture. A shiver run down his spine so suddenly and it made him feel weird. That wasn't a good sign. Was something up? Did something happen? He'd hope it was nothing bad.

He continued walking to the locker room and placed his other belongings there and fetching the other ones he needed. Nothing was happening, except Alya running inside the room after he did with a pair of clothes before walking in the bathroom. Adrien found it strange but went off to do with what he was about to do.

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