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★Aye. This is based on the story above by Xanthophilia Jgelo so all credits go to him.
★This might be a short one

Cupid was just floating in the admist of the Earth, looking for people who truly love each other. But to his avail, nothing.

Cupid was getting weaker and weaker day by day. Not because of his age. Instead, it was because the love he had given people with isn't getting healthy.

In time, this love grew almost non-existent, making him frailer and frailer day by day. He was too weak that he could only generate 3 arrows.

Cupid sighs. "... Let's not waste this then..."

But then, there was a girl, who fell in love. Cupid brightened and shot the girl. Cupid watched from afar on how this will turn out, hoping that it would grow stronger.

And then he realized. "WAIT-"

"H-hey...", the girl says.

The boy looked at her and greeted her. "Oh hey! What's brings you here?", he asks.

The girl was in a befuddled state, blushing profusely. "I- I like you!.. Please! Please go out with me!", she confesses, bowing her head.

The boy was taken aback by this, surprised but then immediately regained his composure. "I-I'm flattered but..."

The girl just stayed put, still bowing in front of him.

"I... have a girlfriend..", he says. "I'm sorry, for rejecting you.."

He can hear the girl exhale before she lifts up her head. "O-oh.. I see... Well, I'll be going?.. It was worth a try anyway..", she says, muttering the last part softly.

After that, she ran, far away from the person she loved.

The girl, fell in love with the wrong person. For the person she loved was shot by an arrow long ago.

Cupid saw this and felt incredibly unfair. Seeing that there is still love left in the girl's heart, he shot her again.

"Please, work this time..."

Yet, the girl was incredibly broken. She didn't want to fall in love again. She pulled the arrow out and threw it away, making Cupid just look at her in sadness.

Cupid was losing hope. The girl was the only one who was true to her feelings.

What is he gonna do now?..

Cupid sighs, waiting for someone to fall in love.

Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to Months. And months turned to years. Nothing.

Suddenly, the same girl, fell in love again. This time, she fell in love. For real.

The guy was handsome, kind and sincere.

She hated him at first, judging him by the people he hanged out with. As it turns out, he isn't like anything she thought he is.

And with that clap of thunder, Cupid shot her. Cupid shot her the last arrow.

"Just so you know, I was just trying to take the chewing gum off your seat. I swear..", says the boy with the black umbrella.

"I've never been to school before... I never had friends... It's all still.. new to me..", he says, looking over to her, glancing shortly at his umbrella before glancing back to the girl behind him, shrugging, holding the black umbrella over her head.

The girl only stared at him wide-eyed. A rosy color coating over her cheeks as she slowly reaches for the umbrella, as it closes on her.

Hearing his sweet, melodic laugh, ringing in her ears, like chimes of bells despite the pouring rain.

His contagious laugh that also made her laugh despite the gloomy weather.

It was such a sight.

But despite that, Cupid was silently crying.

For years, he finally shot her and she finally fell in love.

But alas, that was the third arrow. He had no more arrows left.

In the end, the girl fell in love. But, the girl ended up loving a person who never acknowledged her, for the person she loved was never got shot by Cupid.

This is a short one qwq
Just 600 words or so.
This is quite a melodramatic one, idk haha.

I hope you enjoyed reading this♡
Bug out!♡

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