Missing Mouse [2]

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★One of you wonderful viewers requested me to make a part of the previous shot and here it is!
★Thank You for this wonderful idea. I was originally planning in making a part 2 of 'Missing Mouse' but I never really got the motivation to do so xD
★This might be quite short tho..

Adrien always loved the patrol with his lady. It made him free from his model and captive life. It made him himself.

On top of that, everything was beautiful at night, which made it even better.

The cold wind hitting the exposed part of his face that's really refreshing. The glistening lights under the dark Parisian skyline that mimicked the stars. He could stare at the beautiful city forever.

However, due to the previous akuma attack, the hero still wanted to see Multimouse, or, Marinette.

Yes, he visited her a couple of times when he was Chat Noir but actually knowing that she was Multimouse, impressed him.

She had the same courage as Ladybug, confidence and wits. "She would be a great Ladybug", he thought to himself dreamily.

Doesn't mean he's falling for Marinette though, he quickly reminded himself.

He just longed for her pretty bluebell eyes and teasing. Yeah, that's it. (A/N; ... FOR GOD'S SAKE-)

He quickly got up from his bed and gave Plagg some of his delicious gooeyness, Camembert, before heading off to the bathroom to take his bath.

It was already almost 6 and his time for patrol so he decided to just take a quick bath before heading off to his nightly patrol with his lady.

He continued on with his bath, not expecting what would really happen that night.
The black clad hero was running on top of rooftops through the Parisian night, enjoying every single second of it.

He was currently running to his and his spotted partner's usual meeting spot for patrol, on top of the Eiffel Tower.

When he landed there, perfectly as a cat would land on their feet, he didn't expect what he saw.


The heroine in buns quickly looked his way. "Hello, Chat!", she says enthusiastically.

"You're here! Why?", he asks. Not that he doesn't want to see her and is not glad that she's here, he was just surprised.

"Ladybug told me to be here", she says, shooting the hero a cute grin that made his heart flutter.

The mouse then smirked. "Did you really miss me that much, kitten?", she asks, leaning forward.

Chat Noir's blush could not go unnoticed by the mouse. "N-no...", he shyly answered.

Multimouse giggled. "I was just teasing you, kitten. Don't worry", she says, smiling. "Well, how does this patrol work?", she asks, careful to separate her other identity to her partner.

"Well, what do you propose? Going together or separate ways?", he asks.

"I guess we'll go together.. I need some time to get used to this patrol. Who knows? Maybe I could do this again", she says, smiling.

Chat nodded and took out his baton. "Ready?"

Multimouse nodded and the two went on to the first direction that they were going to patrol to.
After patrolling, the two heroes sat on top of the Eiffel Tower, laughing together and making jokes.

Chat was shooting her with horrible puns and she shot back at him with some of her own.

Multimouse didn't really brush off his puns since there was no akuma attack at the moment and they were just hanging out.

"That was horrible!", she says.

"No it's not! You love my puns", he retaliates playfully.

"Yeah right", she says, pouting playfully at the hero.

The two heroes then just sat there together in comfortable silence, looking out onto the city of love.

How lucky that they were in this wonderful city.

Suddenly, Chat stood up and stretched. "Welp, I guess it's time to go now", he says, looking at Multimouse.

The heroine stood up and stretched her arms. "Yeah, wouldn't wanna be late again tomorrow. Mme. Mendelieev would kill me..", she says and shivered slightly.

Chat Noir chuckled heartily and took out his baton. "I'll see you around, Princess", he says and gave her a two-fingered salute.

"Right.. he knows my identity..", Marinette thought to herself. "You too, Chat Noir.", she says and waves him goodbye before she saw him leaping unto the night.

She took one last look at him and zipped to her own destination.
"So you got to see your Princess, huh?", Plagg says, sinckering at his chosen.

Adrien looked at Plagg in annoyance. The kwami had been teasing him for quite a while ever since he got to his room after the patrol.

"Yes, I saw her. What's the big deal?", he asks.

"Oh nothing.. She's just closer than you think she is", the kwami says and snickered before heading off to his cheese haven.

Adrien just sighed and shook his head. "What's his deal, geez.."

"He'll flip out once he'll find out, I just know it!", Plagg thought to himself, as he ate his oh so beloved Camembert.

I'm sorry that it's quite a short one xD. I've been lacking ideas recently.

Welp, I hope you all like this! It was very hard to make xD.

Bug out!

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