Into Each Other

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Heyo! I just actually came back from a two-day trip and it was pretty tiring, I write anyways.
★I'm really sorry for the inactive behavior! School IS REALLLYYY KILLING ME QwQ
★Also, follow me on Instagram! I post my artworks there and I might do a face reveal soon!♡
★Enjoy! This is based from above

"Pound it!"

The superhero duo did their signature victory fist bump and chatted a bit.

"So, milady... What about we go for dinner? We still have a lot of time left", Chat says.

"Oh, Kitty—", she got cut off by the sound of the beeping of her earrings. "Oh! I gotta bug out! Bye, Chat!", she says before zipping away.

Chat looks at her admirably and also proceeds as he hears his ring beep, signalling his near de-transformation. He hurries away with his baton and found a nearby alleyway to de-transform in.

As he got in, he hears the voice of Ladybug and turns back to call her, but instead, he saw her transform back and saw the one and only, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

He was silenced as he saw that the girl behind him in class, that he has called a friend so much, that stutters around him all the time, was  Ladybug.

He took a deep breath as he saw her look around outside and walk out of the alley. Was he even breathing?

He transformed back and started freaking out. "PLAGG, WHAT DO I DO? I SAW LADYBUG DE-TRANSFORM. AND SHE'S MARINETTE!"

"Geez, kid, calm down. It's not like you did it on purpose..", Plagg states.

"PLAGG, SHE'S GONNA KILL ME—", his own words got cut off when an idea came in his head. The idea got a mischievous grin creep up on his face. "Oh no, kid, what are you planning?..", Plagg worried.

Adrien pounds his fist on his open palm and looked up. "I'm gonna mess with my lady for a while", he says to Plagg before running out of the alley.
The next day after school, he approached Marinette with a wave and a smile on his face, leaving her all befuddled and flustered in place, waving with a shy smile.

"Hey, Marinette!", Adrien greets the blue-eyed beauty.

"H-hello... Adrien..", she greets the blonde model back.

Adrien just stared at her for a full minute, a rosy hue covering his cheeks before giving her a warm smile which made Marinette's heart flutter.

And with that he walks off with Nino, snickering to himself, confusing the brunette. "Um, dude? You okay?", Nino asks him. Quite a weird question actually.

"Oh! Yes, yes. I'm fine! A-O great!", Adrien replies with a huge grin on his face.

Nino looks at him with a strangely perplexed expression. "I don't know... You seem... Giddy. Is something going on that I don't know about?", he asks.

Adrien just continues snickering. "Nothing", he just answers before proceeding to walk away.
That night, Marinette was wondering why Adrien stared at her for a straight minute when he doesn't usually notices her in school.

"Hey, Tikki, don't you think it's weird for Adrien to just stare at me that long?", Marinette asks her kwami.

Tikki giggles. "Maybe he realizes that he has feelings for you!", the kwami replies with her cute high-pitched voice.

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