Revelation [2]

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★Part 2 uwu

He smiled at the sight. "She must be really tired, huh.. I guess I could let her sleep for a while..", Adrien thought before softly rehearsing his lines.

Marinette slowly stirred on her knock out. She rubbed her temples since it hurt and seems that she got a miserable headache. "Urgh..", was all she could muster to say. She then remembered where she was. She was at Adrien's!

She quickly shot up and looked around, looking for any sign of Adrien.


She instead saw a note taped on the bedside table. Marinette picked it up and read it silently.


Good morning! Just kidding. Hi! If you're reading this, you must be awake already. I didn't wake you up, guessing that you're really tired. I'm attending a photo shoot right now and I'll be back in around 6. You could help yourself in the kitchen downstairs and you could just rehearse your lines while you wait. Or you could just go back to the bakery. Anything's fine!

See you later!


Marinette smiled after reading the note. I guess he figured that she was really tired for random reasons. She then went ahead to look for her script and went back ahead to Adrien's bed to rehearse.

"Chat! Now's not the time to be joking around! We've got an akuma to defeat!", she started off, letting her Ladybug side shine through. "Silly Kitty, our identities must always remain a secret, you know that!"

When rehearsing, she felt as if she had been talking to Chat Noir, himself. She kind of thought that maybe the 'Grand Reveal' would be something like this. It'd be funny considering she'll already know how it'll go. She giggled at thought, not knowing that a certain someone had been listening to her for a while, standing at the doorway.

"Chat.. I'm sorry but I can't tell you... This information will be told at the right time... I promise.", she continued rehearsing.

Adrien however, stood shook at the doorway. He stood shock, knowing that those words and that voice are all too familiar. "Could it be?..", he thought. "No way...", he says as he saw Marinette rehearsing like she's been born ready for this moment.

Then it hit him. Marinette is Ladybug. He stumble and fell backwards causing a thud to be heard. Suddenly, he heard footsteps and looked up to see Marinette holding her hand out. "Welcome back, Adrien. What happened?", she asks.

Adrien's face erupted into a blush. "U-uhm.. I.. kind of.. tripped..", he says, rubbing the nape of his neck, looking away sheepishly as Marinette pulls him upright.

He heard Marinette giggle. "Isn't stuttering, blushing and tripping randomly, my thing?", she asks teasingly.

This caused Adrien to chuckle. "I guess I got startled.."

"Wanna rehearse? I've been practicing while you were away", Marinette invites him cheerily.

Adrien just nods dazedly.

It had been a while since the duo rehearsed. Two hours to be exact. The two are currently lying down on the king-sized bed Adrien owned. It was fluffy and heavenly and is big enough to fit both of them.

Engaging on different topics from time to time, arguing on which sweet is better and preferable for everyone, agreeing that hamsters are the best child-pet to own and just talking about deep thoughts.

"Hey, if you won't mind me asking, what was your mother like?..", Marinette asks cautiously.

Adrien sat up and became silent then sighs. "My mother was... very kind... She was the only one there for me everytime I needed someone to talk to... I also look a lot like her", he stops, chuckling. ".... Few years ago though.. She just.. Disappeared... Without a trace..", he says.

Marinette sat up and pat his shoulder gently. "Hey, I know that wherever she is right now, I'm sure she still thinks of you.. I know that she loves you very much, Adrien, I'm sure of it..", she states.

Adrien smiles. "Thanks, Marinette. That helped..", he says, blushing lightly.

Despite Marinette's calm nature on the outside, inside she's screaming at how impressive she held up without bailing nor flipping while talking to Adrien for that matter.

Marinette looked at the clock and almost flipped. "Oh no! It's already 8! I need to go home!", Marinette exclaims, quickly standing up and grabbing her stuff.

"W-wait! I'll.. I-i'll get you home.. We could ride there", Adrien suggests.

"No no! I wouldn't want to bother yo—"

"No one said anything about you being a bother, Marinette. I insist", Adrien says with pleading eyes.

"...." Marinette's face went ablaze at the fierce yet caring tone of his voice, causing her to look away. "O-okay..."

And with that, Adrien told his chauffeur to drop them at the Dupain-Cheng's.
During the car ride, Marinette fell asleep on Adrien's shoulder. It was quite a hot night. Traffic, it seems. This was due to the Jagged Stone parade happening.

Adrien's heart was raising a lot. "Oh My God. The amazing Marinette and beautiful Ladybug are the same person. The love of my life is right beside me, SLEEPING ON MY SHOULDER. OH GOD I CAN'T MOVE. I CAN'T BREATHE", Adrien internally struggled with the situation.

Adrien let out an exhale and saw that the bakery was drawing near in view which saddened him. He mustered up all the courage to wake up Marinette. "M-marinette... Wake up.. We're almost at the bakery.."

Marinette's eyes slowly fluttered open, making her butterfly lashes seem more elegant. Oh boy, Adrien almost died at the goddess right in front of him.

Marinette sat upright and rubbed her eyes. "Oh... I'm sorry... I'm gonna get off now..", she says, stretching before opening the door beside her. "Bye, Adrien.. Thanks for today. Goodnight!..", she says before getting out of the car and slamming the door shut.

Adrien watched Marinette enter the bakery and turning the light off. "She's so amazing..", he sighs dreamily.

"What's so amazing about someone closing the door and turning the lights off?", Plagg asks.

"Shut up"

Greetings! Here's part 2!
I know it kind of lacks action but it's going there!

I hope you enjoyed this part!
Bug out!

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