Cliché #4 «AU»

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✨Just keep in mind, if you're wondering why I'm always posting about this prompt thing that already finished heck of a week ago, I'm gonna continue it before I move on to the usual one shots.
✨Also, I might add one more prompt in the list since I made a mistake in counting, you'll know.

Prompt four: Soulmates

No man is an island. Most people wouldn't bear if they were alone.

Most people.

In this universe, everyone has their own special someone, where they'll most likely meet during their 16th birthday.

The string of fate connecting the two people on each ends will be much visible than they ever were when they turn sixteen.

And since people already have their designated partners in life, whether they like it or not, even if they did have other partners before their soulmates, they would learn to love their soulmates and would realize that they are for them, they're destined to be together.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng turned sixteen a day ago and was currently sleeping in through her alarm.

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, still the girl decided that it was better to sleep anyway.

"Marinette! Your alarm's been going off for a while! You'll be late!", her mother called out from downstairs.

The sleepy teenager shuffled a bit under her sheets and immediately shot up, hair in a dishelveled mess and eyes wide. Turning to turn off her alarm clock, she stared at the digital time displayed.


She was already an hour late for school.

Marinette quickly got up, slipping from her sheets in the process and scrambled her way out of bed to brush her hair and teeth at the same time.

Instead of grabbing her usual outfit each day, she mix matched and grabbed a pink sweater and jeans. Grabbing the first pair of shoes that she could find and not forgetting her purse.

She ran down the stairs, hitting her arm on the wall before grabbing a croissant and shoving it on her mouth. "ILOVEYOUSEEYOULATERBYEEE!", she quickly bids her parents goodbye before running off to her school, not even bothering to try and look at where the string of her soulmate led to cause of her tardiness.

The designer got to her classroom amd slammed the door open. "Sorry... I'm late..!", she says between pants and huffs.

"Just sit down, Marinette", her teacher says, sighing.

Everyone looked at her with wide eyes as she walked to her seat next to Alya. "Late.. Again...", she says, slumping on her seat.

"Slept through your alarm?", the girl in glasses asks, knowing her best friend all too well.

The noirette only nodded in response.

"You're sixteen, Marinette yet you still didn't change", her friend says, chuckling softly. "Also, nice costume change. I guess you improved a bit", she says.

"Alya, you wear the same shirt and jeans everyday"

"Not anymore, girl. Any luck finding out who your soulmate is?"

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