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Heyo! This is based on the head canon from Tumblr! Pic above
★2k special♡


For once, Marinette wasn't late in her life. It was a once in a blue moon phenomena.

The day had just began and Marinette already doesn't have a seat mate. Alya was absent, for short. "Huh... That's odd... I wonder what happened", she thought in utmost confusion.

As she faced forward, she saw that Nino isn't there too. "Wow, meant to be. They're both not here today", Marinette thought, softly chuckling to herself.
As Mme. Bustier entered the classroom, she noticed that Nino and Alya were absent. She didn't like the blank areas so she decided to let Adrien transfer until the two comes back. "Adrien, will you please transfer to Alya's seat for now?", she asks.

Adrien nodded and went ahead to grab his messenger bag and walked to Alya's seat.

Marinette, in this case, has been blushing profusely. "EEEEPPP! Oh my Gosh! Adrien's sitting beside me!" Her mind was filled with fantasies and problems on how she'll mess up in front of him or how they'll get all married and have three kids and a hamster-

"Hey Marinette, I guess we're seatmates for who knows how long", Adrien says with a smile.

Marinette stiffly turned to face him. "Y-yeah!..", was all she could muster to say.
The lesson was getting boring. Only 30 minutes had passed but felt like 48 years. Marinette, being an artist, unconsciously doodles little drawings of ladybugs on Adrien's arm.

Marinette had gotten used to drawing ladybugs on Alya's arm whenever she gets bored in class. She just couldn't help but let her creative mind work. Not that Alya minded it, she loves ladybugs anyway.

Marinette hummed softly while drawing. Noticing this, Adrien smiled. Little ladybugs were now accented on Adrien's arm filled with flowers and leaves and little lines indicating the pathway of the mini ladybug's flight.

Everything was just so cute and endearing.
First period ended and they were now headed to Chemistry class.

While Marinette was walking, she wonders, "Wait... Who did I draw on a while ago?"

She thought about it for a while but the bell beat her to it. She ran to the Laboratory and saw Adrien waving at her, indicating her to sit beside him.

Marinette blushed and slowly made her way beside his area. Marinette smiled sheepishly as she sat down.

And the dreadful Chemistry begins.
Their day finally ended as the last bell for the day rang. Students came rushing out of the classroom, except for two dorks.

Adrien approached Marinette without her noticing, causing her to get startled. "Marinette!"

"GAH!- A-adrien!.. Up's what? I MEAN- What's up?", Marinette stutters.

Adrien raised his arm and smiled. "I love the little ladybugs, Mari. Thank You"

Marinette blushes profusely and is now looking at the suddenly interesting floor. "I- Y-you're W-w-welcome...", she replies, giving him a shy smile.

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