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✨Okay, so uh, a quick announcement before we hop into this shot. I decided to not write sin in this book. I want it to be completely clean now cause I regret writing something in this book- It makes me guilty and uncomfortable, also embarrassed x"D I hope you understand my decision qwq Pleasedunfightme-
✨Anywayyy- Let's hop into this xD

Ladybug and Chat Noir have been on with this superhero business for quite a while now, and they both have been quite aware of each other.

Ladybug just couldn't help but get flustered at her partner's nice and lean bod over the past year. She wonders why this just has an affect on her now than any time she could have been flustered by this.

Her mind would sometimes go blank just watching him stretch from behind whenever he doesn't notice her landing behind him.

His back is toned and she did see the evident muscles and abs that became present over the year of being a superhero.

Not that she complained seeing it most of her days..

What she didn't know that her partner is also having an internal struggle of his own.

Seeing his lady with those nicely toned calves and biceps, and the evident presence of her abs seen through her skin-tight red suit.

Man, she was hot.

The two had somehow successfully remained their composures around each other despite the smoking, god-sculpted bodies they two have, wondering how they even managed to survive up to this far.

Of course, this was only seen when she's Ladybug. Same goes for our lovely Adrien Agreste.

The two just decided to keep it that way or their friends might start to suspect something was happening behind their backs.

Getting their identities figured out was the last thing they want, and they hope that it wasn't going to be happening anytime soon with Hawkmoth still lurking around Paris.

It was much too dangerous.

Their hopes were crushed when they heard that their PE program added a program of Self-defense.

In which they didn't know.

The group of four were just walking towards Marinette's house, when Nino mentioned something along the lines of, "Dude, we're gonna kick some butts for sure!"

"Uhh, why... Exactly?", Marinette asked, quite confused on why they're gonna kick some butts.

"You didn't know, girl?", Alya asked, surprised.

"Know what?", Marinette tilts her head slightly in confusion.

"Yeah, is there something going on?", Adrien chimed in a bit, also confused.

Alya rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Okay- First- How could you not- Nevermind.. Our PE is having a new  self-defense program starting tomorrow"

"TOMORROW??", the dense pair asks nervously in unison. Marinette isn't even shrieking inside about the fact that she asked something in unison with Adrien Agreste, too focused about the fact that, oh God.

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