Copycat- Copybug?

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✧ Some Miraculous Gacha Studio in YouTube can be helpful for ideas lmao. A trend has started about a "Fake Ladybug" in the gacha community and I'm here for with my own version of it.
✧ Hello Miraculous readers! Chanii here! How are you?
✧ Please enjoy reading <33
Marinette's life has never been dull, both in a good and bad way. Before, she was constantly pestered by Chloé's bullying and mean words, as far as what she does, she can only be a doormat to all of it. But after becoming the heroine of Paris, Chat Noir's partner, Ladybug, her confidence levels rose up and she can no longer stand by and let Chloé run her bs. Plus, the akuma fights never fail to make everything lively as ever.

It still paid her the price of a messy sleep schedule and a fragile relationship with her friends.

So to say, her days have always been hectic. She had expected anything to suddenly happen. Maybe she'll get a good grade from the test she didn't finish studying for or a confession from Adrien! But what she didn't expect is a noisy classroom bustling with liveliness from someone proclaiming to be Ladybug.

It was evident that a few population in the class didn't believe her. Chloé is one of them, of course, obviously. This girl may seem like she cares all about herself, but sometimes she does stick her business about other things. And when it comes to Ladybug, Chloé is one of the few who knows what she actually acts like. The other one is Adrien. He seemed to take this whole Copybug seriously(and personally). His eyes darkened and his arms crossed across his chest. Adrien is definitely displeased with this.

Marinette's sleep-deprived state left her with more confidence but less shits to give to bs situations and went ahead and ask Adrien about the situation. For a short while of her approaching him with a wave, his eyes went back to their normal, gentle state and he greeted her back with a smile and a 'good morning'.

"What's going on? What's with this Ladybug girl?", she asks the model, trying her best to not actually faint on the spot from talking to Adrien and/or sleep deprivation.

Adrien's eyes went and darkened again. "Oh. It's that 'Ladybug' girl.", he answers her, voice laced with something she can't put her mind to. Marinette thinks it sounded hot. "She's with Lila so it's most likely one of her lying stunts again"

Marinette sighs. She is way too tired for this. She looks at Adrien. "You don't really believe that she's Ladybug, do you?", she asks, her confidence slipping. Even though it was obvious that he didn't seem to believe Lila or that fake Ladybug, she's still a bit paranoid about Adrien believing them over her. She does have some edge on Lila, and Adrien, along with her, is the only one who fully knows that Lila is lying.

The model's green-eyed gaze turned to look back at her, probably because of her tone of voice. That confused him real well but he didn't press it. He smiles at her and places his hand on her shoulders. "Of course not, Marinette. I wouldn't believe Lila over you. Besides, why would Ladybug suddenly be her best friend and reveal her identity? She's always a tad bit stern about identities in particular", he says reassuringly.

"So, don't worry about it, okay?", he says, tightening his hold on her shoulders a bit.

The statement made Marinette nod and smile at him as a response. That was enough for Adrien to be happy.


To any normal citizen, they would've easily believed that this person who barged in this classroom is Ladybug. But Marinette isn't your average Parisian. She's Ladybug. So how can that person be Ladybug?

Approaching Alya, she tapped her on the shoulder, her best friend fawning over 'Ladybug'. Alya snapped out of her trance and turned to face her best friend. "What's up, girl?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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