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Heyo! I am awake at 4AM right now with literally nothing to do.
★I think this might be a random one. It also has sequels.

Marinette is currently distracting herself with sketching, waiting for the time to hit 4 o'clock.

Marinette is both nervous and excited, she got invited to practice at Adrien's! Her classmate turned out to be the superheroine, Ladybug. Ironic, isn't she Ladybug?

Well, a few days ago, someone named Mary enrolled in their school and was placed in their class. She has dark brown hair in a style almost similar to Ladybug and Marinette's, fair skin and light blue eyes. Everyone greeted her with open arms, also Marinette. But a sudden news came in...

"Everyone!", Mary calls out, gaining everyone's attention. When everyone was now facing her, she cleared her throat. "I know that this is too sudden but I'm actually Ladybug, the savior of Paris", she proclaims, making everyone go crazy and shoot her several questions. "One at a time!", she says while giggling.

Alya raises her hand and stood up. "Can you prove that you're Ladybug?", she asks.

Mary nods and showed everyone her Ladybug earrings. Everyone gasped and now continued bombarding her with questions.

Marinette just sighs on how... vulnerable everyone could be. Why aren't they thinking that why Ladybug could just throw out her identity out there to people. Why she isn't considering her actions to be dangerous to everyone. She sighs again and is now looking at Adrien who was looking at Mary in disbelief.

Adrien now wondered why her earrings are not in camouflage mode just like his ring. He also wondered why she would reveal her identity to other but not Chat Noir.

His thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. He looked over and he saw Marinette with her shy smile. "Oh, Hi, Marinette", he greets.

Marinette took a seat beside him and they both looked at Mary, with their classmates. "Come on, you won't actually believe she's the real Ladybug, right?", she asks him.

Well, that tone and question sounded familiar. He exhaled and looked at her. "Yeah..", he answers.

Marinette looks at him with a smirk. "She's obviously just a die-hard fan. You know, a Copycat?", she asks.

Then it hit him. He knew where those exact words come from. It was from Ladybug. He looked at her in disbelief. Was she Ladybug?

He set the thoughts aside and looked at her with a smirk, one of his eyebrows raising. "Was that a cat pun?", he asks.

She smirks back. "Maybe. Maybe not"

The two didn't notice that everyone was actually now settled in their seats, looking at them with proud looks on how well they can actually get along and surprised that Marinette could actually talk to Adrien without stuttering.

Their talks were cut off by Mme. Bustier walking in on the classroom. "Okay, class. Since the first movie making was a... interesting.. Why don't we make another one? This time, it's still a group project about Love", she states. Everyone was ecstatic. "We would be filming it before we would perform it on stage. Is that okay?"

She was answered by choruses of Yes.
Some students groaned and some students were happy, but most of them were ecstatic about the play. "Now, now, settle down. The play will be about a Ladybug and Chat Noir themed love story. You can do it in a medieval setting or a modern setting, it's your choice.", Mme. Bustier states.

"Now for the roles, everyone needs to audition—", Mme. Bustier was cut off by Alya.

"Mme. Bustier! Can't Mary be Ladybug? She's Ladybug after all", Alya says.

Mme. Bustier raised an eyebrow before answering. "I'm sorry, Alya but everyone needs to be encouraged to play. We won't know, someone might be a better actor here. It's not fair for everyone who wants to land a leading role", she says.

Alya frowned and sat back down.

"Auditions will be this afternoon so please, rehearse your lines. Girls will be Ladybug and boys will be Chat Noir. You can practice some side roles as well. I'll give you time to practice here. Good luck"
Marinette had no choice but to practice her roles. She keeps getting distracted by the thought of giving away her identity and now ended up bumping onto someone. "Ack!— I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking", she apologizes profusely before looking up to see Adrien.

"It's alright, Marinette. Oh hey! Why don't we practice our lines together? It'd be fun", Adrien invites her.

"S... sure... What time? Where to?", she asks.

"Maybe 4? Is my house okay?", he asks.

"It's perfect", she says.

"Great! I'll pick you up in 3:30!", he shouts before running off to his now waiting ride.
Marinette was waiting patiently, or impatiently in the living room. "Marinette! Someone's here!", her mother shouts from the bakery.

Marinette stood up and walked outside. "I'm off to play practice, Maman! I'll be back at 8!", she announces before heading off to Adrien.

"Ready to go?", he asks.

She nods and smiles before getting in the car.
When they arrived, Marinette was told to walk straight to Adrien's room for he was called by his father. She immediately obliged and was now currently sitting on the sofa.

Adrien's room was 11x bigger than hers. It even had a rock climbing wall, an arcade and a whole library of CDs and books! Is this still even considered a room?

Marinette was now finished looking around and was now laying down on Adrien's bed.

"He had been gone for quite some time now... It's... fine.. to... take a quick nap, right?..", she says before drifting off to sleep.
Adrien entered his room with a sigh. His father lectured him without even letting him explain. He went to grab his script. He went to his bed and saw Marinette sleeping soundly, all tangled up in the sheets.

He smiled at the sight. "She must be really tired, huh.. I guess I could let her sleep for a while..", Adrien thought before softly rehearsing his lines.

I is back. Finished writing
this for two hours lmao.

Hope you enjoyed this!
Yes, there is part 2 uwu

Bug out!

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