This Day

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★I'm not telling you anything uwu
Jk, this might be quite short.
★I guess you could enjoy? QwQ

Marinette is currently in her room, mind blank and empty, seemingly doing nothing, just laying down. Designing isn't even considered to be a distraction of what she is feeling right now. It was painful.

She turned her phone on and stared at the date. The time currently around 1 PM, the bakery was practically closed since her parents were delivering out of France a lot of orders so they aren't gonna be home for a while.

She sighs and forced her tears back. She didn't feel like doing anything. She just wanted to disappear right on the spot. She looked at the date once again.

October 10

Marinette went to visit Alya and she seemed to get what's going on. Of course, it was a sad day. She wanted her best friend to at least not be alone on this day in particular. It was unbearable for her, much more for Marinette.

She sighs as she looks at her best friend, just staring out the window, deep in thought. She just didn't know how she would get her out of this trauma. How could she move on from this?..

She shifted her attention to her phone that beeped when it delivered her a notification, a reminder of some sort. Her mouth dried as she read the reminder, which she set every year. It made her regret deeply, for she got reminded of her best friend's sorrow again.

She wanted to just hug her and comfort her, but nothing might seem to work. She figured that she needed some alone time as well as being not alone at the same time. Alya wouldn't know what would happen to Marinette if she left her alone.



Marinette watched as raindrops fall on the ground, sliding down on leaves and windows. It creates a much more blurry yet beautiful view of the lit City of Love. Nothing could ever compare the beauty of the city she was in, the city of inspiration.

It also couldn't compare the pain she was feeling.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked back to see Alya holding out a cup of hot chocolate for her. She smiled and gladly accepted the kind offer of her best friend.

She took gentle sips from the drink and it eases her mind bit by bit. Little things make such a difference during these times. She appreciated it.
It was now around 4 PM and Marinette decided to go home, maybe her parents are around and she had plans anyway.

She opened her black umbrella and gripped tightly on it, it meant a lot to her, their first memories, the sunshine that owned an ironically black umbrella.

She smiled sadly and proceeded to slowly walk home. It wasn't a far walk but it gave her some time to think and buy flowers along the way.

When she got home, she went up to her parents and gave them a hug before walking up to her room to change. After everything, she fetched her flowers and black umbrella then bid goodbye to her parents before proceeding to wait for a taxi to go to a certain somewhere.
October 10

Marinette arrived at her destination, Pink Carnations in arms, as well as her nostalgic black umbrella. She walked and walked until she stopped.

The reason why Alya couldn't leave Marinette alone

She set down the Pink Carnations and crouched down, shielding the place with the umbrella and sadly smiled before breaking down into tears.

Was because this day.

She managed to sputter out a few coherent words.

This particular day..

"H-hey Chaton...", she paused for quite a while.

"Happy Anniversary.."

Was Adrien Agreste and Chat Noir's death anniversary

Greetings! Heyo!
How is all? In advance, I'm sorry qwq.
I couldn't resist making this.

There you go! If you read this far,
congrats! You survived!

Bug out!

Pink Carnations
❝ I will never forget you ❞

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