Work Day

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Y/n's POV:

Anthony lays his hand on top of the stack of papers and slides it to me. Looking up from the table to his eyes, I raise my eyebrows in question and he nods. With a nod in return I accept the stack of papers, click the pen and sign my name in the designated areas.

"We look forward to this partnership." Anthony says, standing up and holding his hand out to shake those of the two reps across from us.

One nods," we're very excited. Thank you so much." She says as I reach forward and shake her hand, then the other reps.

I manage to hold in my smile while we're in the meeting room, but the second we step out of the building I let it go. With a bright smile on my face I turn to Anthony, placing my hands on his shoulders and jumping up and down.

Glancing back, my eyes scan over the Calvin Klein sign on the building." I'm working with Calvin Klein, I'm working with Calvin Klein." I sing, jumping up and down still.

"Couldn't even hold it till we got in the car huh?" He chuckles softly as our driver pulls up.

Both of us get into the car and I pick up my water bottle and take a sip." I tried but I was ready to burst in that meeting." I chuckle and shake my head," like, this is gonna be huge bro."

For a second he's quiet. Then he nods," yeah this is big. And I'm proud of you. I know this is just gonna open even more doors for you."

"Forget doors bro, we bustin through ceilings you feel?" We do a quick handshake and chat as we both get on our phones.

Today is a busy one, for everybody. Ariana was up and gone before I was, a little note saying she loves me sat by my breakfast in the kitchen. She has a bunch of meetings and a studio session for her deluxe album. I had a radio interview earlier today, followed by the meeting I just had with some Calvin Klein reps. And now I'm on my way to do an interview with James Corden.

Anthony takes a deep breath and clears his throat," alright, we almost there. Production sent some instructions on how this is supposed to go so open them big ass ears." Smacking my lips, I cross my arms and look away from him, but he knows I'm still listening so he starts talking.

Simply put this is an interview. It's prerecorded and will air with the show after midnight. James is going to "randomly" call me and ask if I can ride with him to work. I'll say yes and he'll pick me up from the store I'm getting dropped off at.

We'll drive around as he asks me questions and we sing some of my songs, then we'll stop at one of my favorite places to eat. They don't do that part often but they'd asked if I wanted to do anything other than just ride around and I said sure since we'd be in the neighborhood of a food spot I love.

While nothing is scripted, whatever happens at the food spot will be one hundred percent unsupervised by the show but still recorded. From there we'll listen to some more songs and chat until we get to the set lot.

"Got all that?" Anthony asks and I nod.

Our driver pulls up to the predetermined pick up spot, a store on the corner of a street not too far from the food spot. I hangout in the car with Anthony until the show's crew arrives. Two black trucks pull up and someone gets out.

The guy walks over to the car and greets us. Explaining to me that his truck is where security and the camera crew is, then directing me to go over to the other truck where James is.

With a nod, I do a quick handshake with Anthony, letting him know I'll call him when we get to the lot, then I get out of the car. Making sure I have my phone and wallet in hand, I walk over to the truck as James rolls the window down.

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