Ch.1- Flashbacks and suprises

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Debbie's P.O.V

                I was only 16 when my best friend of 11 years had left to fulfill his dreams of becoming a singer, I had told him to go of course but I still missed him terribly. I texted him almost every day but the only response I have been getting lately was that he was busy and we'll talk later; we never talked later. I felt as if he completely forgot about me, I sat down on my bed and lifted up my sleeve I ran my hand over the scars of where my razor had been years back. He was my hero, I thought back on how it all started. I was 14 and I had just gotten back from my so called best friend's house and I logged onto twitter and checked my mentions I saw a recent one from 3 minutes ago, it was from my "best friend" she wrote on how I was a dirty skank and how I was never going to be good enough. Apparently I was a stupid whore that wouldn't know what having friends was. She called me a fat ugly bitch with a bad wardrobe choice, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. I couldn't bear the pain any longer so I went to the bathroom took a deep breath and took the razor out of the drawer and I put it to my wrist I started cutting and I felt better. I heard my phone start buzzing and it was Zayn I answered it.

                "Hello?" His voice was so reassuring, it made me whimper a little more than I already was, there was blood dripping to the floor and I got a towel to wipe it off.

                "Hey, what's up Zayn?" I asked him as calmly as possible.

                "Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today." I smiled and looked around my empty apartment.

                "Sure but can you just come over and we could just watch movies? I'm not really in the mood to go out." I felt bad asking him to come here but I felt as though if I went outside that everyone would know.

                "Sure, no problem." I smiled and I think he was a little disappointed but I couldn't help it, I needed him here with me. Alone. Not outside where other people could say even more hurtful things. "Are you okay?" He asked while I was still wiping the blood from the floor, I almost started crying again but I held it in and just choked out the words.

                "I'm fine, but thanks Zayn. See you in five?"

                "You bet!" We hung up and I lowered the air to 65 so I had a reason to put on a sweater and besides I would be able to cuddle with Zayn. A couple of minutes later the doorbell rang and I saw the dazzling hazel eyes, heartwarming smile and that quaffed hair. I said hello to Zayn who was 16 at the time, he was two years older than me. I hugged him and grabbed his arm and led him to the couch, I missed his hugs although I just hugged him last night. I couldn't help but not let go, he was so warm and loving; I needed that right now.

                "Are you sure you're okay? You look like you've been crying." Shit I thought, I had forgot to wash off my face and put makeup on.

                "Yeah, I just......erm......stubbed my toe." I lied, I couldn't stand it but I didn't have it in me to tell him the truth. He laughed and hugged me.

                "Typical Debbie." I laughed as I got the popcorn from the cabinet, I snuggled up to him and held his hand, he shivered and I looked up at him.

                "Do you want a sweater?" He was only in a short sleeve shirt and skinny jeans, he looked sexy as could be.

                "If you don't mind." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and I think I blushed. I went to go get him one of my dad's old sweaters. He left it with me when I moved to Bradford for college and met Zayn; we instantly became the best of friends. I looked at my phone just to see more and more hate on twitter and facebook, apparently my ex best friend Jessica had told everyone lies and was starting rumors about me. When I got back to him he was in the bathroom and when he came out he looked sick to his stomach and all I could see from the doorway was the bloody razor in the garbage, he looked up at me and gave me a huge bear hug and wouldn't let go for 10 minutes. I could tell he was crying which made me get misty eyes myself, I finally pulled away from his when he grabbed my arm and looked up at me to see if it was okay, I nodded as he was pulling up my sleeve which showed the eight slits with dried blood surrounding them. He started crying again and so did I, he grabbed me and sat me down on the couch and was holding my hand. I handed him the sweater and he looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, I knew the questions were about to come out.

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