Ch.9 -More Prepping? Ugh!

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*Zayn's P.O.V*

I got up from Deb's bed and went to go to the bathroom, while I was in there I decided to call the boys. 

*ring ring ring rin-*

Liam: Hello?

Me: Hey Liam, it's Zayn

Liam:Hey Zayn! How is everything with her?

Me: Who?

Liam: Your friend.

Me: *grinds my teeth* Do you mean Debbie?

Liam: *chuckles* Zayn, calm down I was kidding. But yes Deb, how is she?

Me *calms down* She's fine, she's getting her vitals checked by the nurse right now.

Liam: Oh that's good! When is the surgery going to happen?

Me: Tonight, I think about 5 pm if I'm not mistaken.

Liam: Okay well just call us when she is allowed visitors.

Me: No problem, see you later buddy.

Liam: Later dude.

*hangs up phone* I was walking over when I heard a conversation between Deb and her nurse going on, I stood beside the door so they couldn't hear me.

Debs: ".... I mean look at me, I'm not the picture of beauty at all. He could do so much better, he is out of my league anyway." Who on Earth is she talking about? But besides that why is she saying that about herself? She is aboslutley gorgeous, anyone would be lucky ot have her.

Lucy (Nurse):"Oh sweety! You are absolutley beautiful! I don't know why you don't realize that you honestly are. If that boy doesn't want you, it's his loss; not yours. He'd probably end up with some slut off of the street," Debbie giggled I think, I love her giggle, "you deserve him, from what I've heard he seems like a very nice boy and not to mention handome." Then Deb started laughing again, her perfect laugh. No I can't be thinking this, she is my best friend. "You honestly have nothing to lose."  I heard people shifting around so I just went to the food courst pretending nothing happend, a few moments later I returned with drinks for the both of us. When I walked through the door she seemed a bit shocked or worried but I brushed it off.

              "Hey beautiful." I said and then I kissed her forehead. She naturally blushed and I chuckled to myself.

               "What are you laughing at?" She was smiling and looking down at the floor, I wanted to sing What Makes You Beautiful but I didn't.

                   "You're blushing, it's funny. But I've always loved your blush." I smiled at her and handed her the drink, she started to laugh. "What are YOU laughing at?" 

                "Zayn, I can't drink or eat anything remember? I'm getting surgery." She was laughing harder now.

              "Right, sorry." I was laughing at myself now and Debbie looked as if she was in pain. "Debs, are you okay?" I got instantly worried.

                  "Yeah, yeah sorry. Just too much laughing." She had a pained expression on her face but she tried to hide it from it.

                    "Are you sure? I can get the nurse" And as if on cue Lucy came in.

              "Dear, we're going to take you into surgery now." She turned towards me. "Hun, you're going to have to stay in the waiting room, I'm sorry." 

                 "Why?! I'm her best friend! I can't leave her alone! I need to make sure she's okay! I promised her parents!" I was furious, they couldn't not let me see her! 

                     "Zayn, please stop yelling. Why don't you call my dad while I'm in surgery, since you are my caretaker." She spat. Shit, I forgot she hated yelling and me talking about her parents. She was tearing up and I caused it, I might as well just shut up before I hurt her even more. So I just nodded and walked over to Deb's bed and sat down next to her. She wouldn't look at me.

                   "Love please look at me, please? I need to see those sparkling eyes." She looked up slowly at me and her eyes were filled with tears, I immediatly felt like a monster. Did I really cause her to cry?  "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you , I was just trying to make sure you'll be alright." I grabbed her hand and she snatched it away.

                      "Lucy can we please go? I would like to get this over with." She looked away from me and avoided all eye contact possible. I felt terrible that I did this to her, she didn't deserve this especially not now.

                        "Sure honey. Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to move." Lucy looked over at me with apologetic eyes, so I got up and whispered in her ear, "Please make sure she is okay, I can't have anything happen to her. She is my everything." Lucy nodded, so I started to tear up and made my way over to the other side of the room. They were moving Brielle out of the door and she looked back over to me and gave me a small smile, I was grateful.

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