Ch.15- Who's the bitch?

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*Debbie's POV*

       "What are you all staring at?" Was she looking to get punched? I looked over to Harry who took the girl and made out with her right in front of us. They both wanted to get bitch slapped. Niall pulled them apart and punched Harry square in his face, the girl slapped Niall and that's when I lost it. I was went up to her and slapped her right in her face.

      "Don't you ever fucking touch my friends again." Then I pointed to Harry, "And don't you ever touch my boyfriend again either you whore." She was quiet for a moment until she punched me in the nose, I felt blood dripping but I ignored it just like I ignored the boys yells.

      "Who are you talking to about being a whore? You are living with six boys and I bet you hooked up with all of them. Your 'boyfriend' told me he needed to have fun because he was unsatisfied. I could see why, I bet he's scared of you falling on him and killing him." She laughed and walked over to Harry to see if he was okay, I walked over to the both of them and I looked at them.

      "Fuck you guys." I went upstairs and sat on my bed trying not to cry. I heard the yelling from downstairs and then a knock at my door I ignored it and buried my face into the pillow disregarding the blood that was seeping into it. My door opened and someone sat on my bed, I looked up to see Liam. He gave me a small smile and I tried to return it as best as I could.

     "Is your nose okay?" He asked gently and I nodded lightly.

     "Yeah thanks, once everything cools down I'm going to go get some ice." I spoke quietly while getting up from the bed and making my way over to the mirror; I stared at my nose and it looked horrendous.

      "It's okay to not be okay. You don't have to be strong in front of me, I'm Liam." I looked at him for a moment until I finally lost it, I felt so bad but I couldn't help it. He ran over to me and held me in a tight bear hug until I stopped crying which had to be about an hour or two. I was still teary eyed when Zayn came rushing over to me to see if I was okay.

       "Debs! Are you okay? That girl was out of line to hit you, you did absolutely nothing wrong in that situation. I'm so proud of you babe!" He hugged me and I couldn't help but hug back, I needed him.

       "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you Zayn." I smiled the best I could but we all knew it wasn't believable. Liam went to go get me an ice pack while I stayed in the room with Zayn. He just kept holding me for a while until a question kept floating around in my mind, i finally lost it again.

         "What's wrong love?" He looked over to me and started rubbing my back gently, I didn't understand.

      "Why did he do it? I didn't do anything to him, I was trying to be good to him. I didn't know he wasn't happy, I would have changed! I would have been what he wanted!" I started crying harder, I was never good enough.

        "Babe, only he could tell you why he did it and he is in no condition right now to do that. It is taking everything in me to not go downstairs and punch the day lights out of him."

       "Zayn, please don't worry about it. I didn't mean to cause trouble."

        "DEBBIE YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG IT WAS ALL THAT ASSHOLE'S FAULT! YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!" Why was he yelling? I didn't mean to make him angry.

       "I didn't mean to make you mad." I spoke quietly, he turned to me with sorrowful eyes.

       "I'm sorry love, I just got carried away. I didn't mean to yell at you, you don't deserve that. It's just I really can't stand to see hurting, especially because of an incosiderate ass. You deserve so much better. But then again he might have a good reason on why he did that, it wouldn't matter because he still hurt you but still. Maybe he has an explanation for himself. I'm truly sorry that this happened to you, you don't deserve it." At that I was in tears again hugging Zayn in one of the tightest hugs ever. I loved that boy so much it hurt, I'm so happy he is the one I can call my bestfriend.

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