Ch. 17- I don't want my sausage anymore

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The next morning.

*Deb's P.O.V*

I woke up not wanting to get out of bed, 7:09AM; I just wanted to sleep but I knew that I couldn't. I just didn't want to see everyone and have everyone give me sympathy because I don't need it, I know what I said last night about forgiving Harry but I just don't think that I can.

After I showered and got dressed I made my way downstairs to the kitchen so I could make breakfast. Luckily no one was up, but there was a slightly snoring Harry on my love seat, I tried to be as quiet as possible so I did not wake him. I made my way to the kitchen quietly and got out a pan that I could make eggs in. I was just about to put the eggs in the pan when I heard footsteps gradually getting louder; they were coming towards the kitchen. I quickly turned off the pan and went to grab my sweater when he came in the room.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked still sleepy, damn he looked hot. Wait, no. I can't.



"I'm going to get breakfast."

"But I thought you were cooking?" How did he know?

"I wasn't feeling it." I tried being cold but it wasn't working.

"Oh, well would you like some company for breakfast?" No.

"I'm okay but thanks."

"It'll be on me, please I've really been craving iHop pancakes and I don't like eating alone." Why must he bribe me with fluffy pancakes? I shouldn't go, but I mean pancakes..

"Fine." His face lit up like a Christmas tree and he ran to grab he keys.

"Ready to go?"

"I guess." We both headed out to the car and he held open the door for me, this was not going to happen.

"You can't do that." He gave me a strange look.

"Do what?"

"Be all nice and shit, you're an ass who I'm supposed to be mad at." His face turned into a little smile, what the fuck.

"Maybe I'm trying to fix my wrong doings which I still am clueless about." As if.

"Sure." I got in the car myself with no help from him and we drove about 5 minutes to iHop and got a table. The waitor came by a few short moments after and wanted to order our drinks, his name was Eddie.

"I'll have a cup of coffee." Harry ordered first while I was staring at the menu not paying attention.

"And you miss?" Gosh he was cute.

"Um, I'll have a cup of coffee too please. Thank you." He gave me a smile then walked off to get our coffees. It was awkward silence until Eddie came back and asked for our orders.

"Sunrise sampler, bacon and scrambled eggs. Thanks." Damn Harry you don't waste time.

"Okay, great. What can I get the pretty lady?" I blushed like a madman.

"I'll just have the same thing with a side of pancakes please."

"Sure thing, it'll be out shortly." And with that Eddie was off, and I could not stop smiling.

"You sure seem happy to order your meal." I looked over to a down Harry, I felt a little bad.

"Well I was hungry, sorry."

"No need to apologize, you deserve the best meal." And with that I got up to use the restroom. Once I got inside I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering how I was going to make things right with Harry. I washed my hands quickly and then I splashed some water on my face to wake me up. When I emerged from the bathroom a noticably drunk guy comes over in my direction.

"Hey gorgeous, how about I take you in that bathroom and show you how good I am." He wink and I almost threw up, he was disgusting.

"No thanks, I should get back to my meal." I started walking away but he grabbed my arm.

"Why eat their fake sausage when I got a real good one down below." What. The. Fuck.

"Excuse me, my boyfriend is waiting for me." I didn't want to but I had to.

*Harry's P.O.V*

"Why eat their fake sausage when I got a real good one down below." This guys is a complete douche, obviously she didn't want him.

"Excuse me, my boyfriend is waiting for me." Wait, was that Debbie? It can't be; she would never refer to me as her boyfriend again. I got up to look around and sure enough it was her. I walked up to them.

"What's going on here? Why are you talking to my girlfriend in such a profound manner?" Time to play the role.

"Your girlfriend has meat on her, I like it. How about you both come to my place and I'll show you the meat I have on me." This guy has to be on crack. A few of the surrounding tables had heard what happened and told the manager; they were going to kick him out.

"Come on babe, just leave him." It felt god to call her babe. I gently nudged her back to the table where we both sat down.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" She looked up at me with a loving stare, so perfect.

"No, I'm good but thanks for doing that. It means a lot." Sunddenly my head winced in pain, and I suddenly wished that I hadn't drank last night. Deb seemed to notice and quickly asked if I was alright.

"Do you have tylenol or something? The drinking from last night is hitting me hard right now." She looked through her purse and pulled out 2 moltrin and handed them to me.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Did you mean all of those things that she said last night?"

"Of course not. Listen, I can honestly say that if I could rewind last night I would not go to that club. If I had the chance to not hurt you as badly as I hurt you last night, I would. That bitch did something to my drink last night that made me completley oblivious and whoosy, I promise you that I would never do something like that to you on my own. I couldn't even sleep last night knowing that I did that to you and knowing that you probably hate me. When I saw you this morning I wanted to make things right so badly, that's why I asked you out to breakfast. I can't believe that I took you for granted and I promise that I never will ever again. I'm so sorry Debbie." I couldn't look at her, but after a few moments of silence I did. She had a confused look on her face but she looked more concentrated than ever.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Where did she want to take me?

"Sure, should I drive?"

"No, I got this."

"But what about the food? We didn't eat."

"That's okay, I think they'll understand." She smiled and got up and I followed. She walked over to the front and told her about the situation and the man and how we could just not eat. They allowed us to leave without paying due to our inconvenience. She then walked outside and got in the drivers seat.

"Where are we going?" I was actually very curious, I am a curious person.

"It's a surprise." And with that we both smiled and I could not be happier because I was driving around with the most beautiful girl in the world. I did not stop smiling for the rest of the ride, mostly because we were okay again; or somewhat for that matter.

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