Ch.24- Tired and wired

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*Debbie's P.O.V*

The drive home was...refreshing. Harry and I told each other things about ourselves that made me laugh so hard he had to pull over a few times. I decided that we needed to get something for the boys so I asked him to stop at a an ice cream place because, who doesn't like ice cream? It made me calm, not only because he made me feel as though I wasn't alone, but because it was the Harry I first met-before Janice. We were driving for almost two hours when Harry decided it was time we should head back home. When we were slowly pulling into the driveway, my mood fell once again when I saw the car in the driveway. I knew that as soon as we went inside, it would be the same as it has been. Liam, Niall, and Louis will go off and do their own thing, Zayn will will be obsessed and preoccupied with whatever her name is and Harry will pretend to like me until another girl comes around. It's like clockwork around here. 

"Hey, you okay?" I guess I was daydreaming a little too long. 

"Yeah, sorry. Just got a little caught up in my thoughts for a second."

"You still never told me why you needed me to pick you up." He looked confused but I didn't want to talk about it.

"I just am not feeling all that well, I'm actually going to go straight to sleep." Okay, that was the biggest lie I've told yet-I just had coffee, I'm wired.

"Okay, well let's go inside and say hello to everyone before you pass out." He gave me that smile and I couldn't help but get all warm inside. He helped me out of the car and opened up the door for me, he was such a gentleman. Louis was sitting on the couch with Niall watching Fred Claus, I laughed when I saw because I absolutely adore this movie. 

"Where have you guys been? We were looking for you." Niall turned around with curious eyes as Louis questioned us

"Sorry, we went out for ice cream." Right as I said that, Zayn and his girl-friend-thing came out of the bedroom. 

"We got you all some though, couldn't forget about you that easily." Harry smiled as he was talking and that's when I realized how much all of these boys cared about each other, it was really heartwarming. I noticed Liam wasn't around so I started looking for him but he was nowhere to be seen. I went over to Niall who was silently enjoying his ice cream on the couch.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but do you know where Liam is? I want to ask if he would like his ice cream." Niall looked around lost for a moment but then it seemed like it clicked. 

"I think he got into a fight with Sophia when they were out on their double date with Zayn, he's been in his room ever since he got back and he seemed kind of flushed" Double date? Alrighty then.

"Thanks." With that, I got up and walked upstairs to Liam's room; I knocked and there was no answer.

"Liam, it's Debbie. Please open up." I heard shuffling and something dropped. He opened the door halfway and he was all sweaty. He was really beating himself up about this fight. 

"Hey Deb, what's uh, going on?"

"Niall told me he thinks you and Sophia got into a during bowling so I just wanted to see if you were alright." I heard more footsteps so I looked behind me to see who was coming but when I turned back around there Sophia was, wrapped in a sheet. Odd, I thought they were figh-OH MY GOSH, THEY ARE DOING THE DIRTY! NO FIGHTING JUST FADOODALING!

"Debbie! Liam told me it was your idea to go bowling and I wanted to thank you! We were having kind of a rocky day and then we went bowling and, I guess as you can tell, it really brought us closer." She giggled and he looked horrified, maybe I should leave them alone.

"Well, I'm, uh, really glad I could help. You two have fun now...SAFE fun, you guys have some safe fun." I speed walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, trying to get the image out of my head. Niall walked over to me.

"Hey, is Liam okay?" Oh gosh.

"Yeah he's totally good. Nothing wrong in that relationship." 

"Okay, well I'm going to go to sleep now. Thanks for the ice cream, I owe you one Deb." 

"It's no problem Niall, I'll see you in the morning!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed upstairs to bed. Louis soon said his goodnights as well and took the rest of his ice cream to his room with him. Harry plopped down next to me and yawned.

"Are you tired?"

"Nah, I'm good. I was kinda hoping we could watch a movie." His eyes were closing as he was talking, no way he would make it through a movie.

"Harry, you wouldn't be able to last through a movie. Why don't you go to bed and we can have a movie day tomorrow with all of the boys?" As much as I wanted to sit with him and watch movies, I already asked too much of him tonight.

"Or how about this. We can make some coffee, pull an all nighter and watch movies and then have another movie day tomorrow. I just really don't want to be alone tonight." I forgot he's been with Janice for a while.

"Oh," I waited a few seconds, "is it because you miss doing this stuff with Janice?" his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Debbie, no, not at all. The only reason why I didn't throw her out on her ass was because she has some personal things going on and I didn't want to make her feel like complete shit," he looked up at me for a second before continuing, "I have absolutely no feelings towards her. You're the one I want to pull all nighters with, not her." I got all warm inside, a feeling that only two people had made me feel.

"You know I don't trust that easily, so it may take some time to get back to where we were." His eyes lit up.

"That's okay, I think we rushed it a little too much last time anyway. I'd like to show you the extended version of the Styles." I couldn't help but laugh, he laughed too but his turned into a yawn.

"Are you sure you want to stay up all night?" 

"Well maybe not all night, but at least for a movie." His dimples came out and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Alright well I'm make some coffee and you pick out a good movie." As I walked into the kitchen I saw Zayn saying goodbye to Emma on the porch, they kissed. I still can't get over what happened tonight, he chose the girl over me when it was his idea to go out and bond. I think what bothers me the most is that he let a girl decide whether or not to just leave me alone in the bowling alley. I don't know why I let it bother me, obviously he doesn't want me. I need to get over him, I just want my Zayn back, even if that means just being friends. As he walked in he was surprised to see me standing there.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" I can't let him know he hurt me tonight.

"Just making coffee, Harry wants to pull a "somewhat all nighter" but he needs to be wired in order for that to happen," he just looked down for a second not sure what to say, "you can stay up with us if you want, we're going to watch a few movies and eat ice cream." You could tell he was contemplating it for a second, that he wasn't sure if he should. "Only if you want to Zayn, I don't want to force you, I just thought it would be nice."

"That actually sounds really nice," he smiled, "is it okay if I have some coffee too? I'm beat." I smiled as he let out a little yawn.

"Of course! Why don't you go make yourself comfy on the couch and I'll be right in with the drinks."

"Sounds good, see you in there girly." I laughed as he walked into the living room and plopped down next to Harry. Harry looked confused for a second and looked over his shoulder to see if it was okay, I took a deep breath and nodded. I'm still pissed at both of them but there is nothing I can do other than faking it until I make it.

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