Ch.8 - Prepping

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*Debbie's P.O.V*

            It took us a while to get everything ready and situated but around 3:00 pm we were on our way to the hospital, once we got there we checked in and waited for the nurses to call me in.

            "Zayn, I'm scared." I said as I looked over worryingly at him, he was sharing the same emotions.

           "Don't be, you'll be fine."  He smiled reassuringly at me and squeezed my hand, soon after the nurse came in.

             "Hello, I'll be your nurse for the day. My name is Luciana but you are free to call me Lucy." She seemed very nice and caring which I loved in a nurse, they just made me feel so comfortable. She took my vitals while smiling and asking me about my life and everything. Zayn soon got up and went to the bathroom and Lucy looked at me.

             "So, is he your boyfriend?" She was wiggling her eyebrows and I was blushing a deep red while giggling.

              "No, we're just really good friends. We've helped each other through a lot and I could not ask for a better friend." I was frowning, I couldn't help it. I've always had feelings for Zayn but I never said anything because I wasn't sure how he would feel. 

            "Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed because you two act so lovey dovey towards each other." She waited a couple of seconds, "Do you want it to be something more?" I thought for a second, of course I wanted something more but what if he didn't? 

             "Of course I want something more, I just don't think that he will. I mean look at me, I'm not the picture of beauty at all. He could do so much better, he is out of my league anyway." I looked down off the bed and started to play with my fingers-something I do when I'm either bored, nervous or embarrased. I heard the nurse making her way over to me.

             "Oh sweety! You are absolutley beautiful! I don't know why you don't realize that you honestly are. If that boy doesn't want you, it's his loss; not yours. He'd probably end up with some slut off of the street," I couldn't hold in my giggles, "you deserve him, from what I've heard he seems like a very nice boy and not to mention handome." She started wiggling her eyebrows again and naturally I started laughing again. "You honestly have nothing to lose." Lucy started to rub my back and wipe away the tears that I didn't even know I had.

            "Thank you so much Lucy. I might tell him once I'm done with this whole surgery thing." We both smiled and she walked out of the room. Zayn returned a little while later with drinks, I really hope he didn't hear the conversation.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry this is a really crappy chapter! But I plan on working mostly all day to get a lot done so I hope you guys enjoy it! But I wanted to see if you guys would read a Janoskians fanfic because I wanted to do one about Luke. If not it's cool, I just won't publish it. Thanks guys! 

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