Ch.12- At least I still have Captain Red

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*Deb's P.O.V*

I woke up to some noises in my room and it turns out it was Harry with a balloon reading, 'Get Well Soon'.

*Harry's P.O.V*

        "Hey love, how are you?" She looked at me and I can tell she's broken.

        "I've been better. How about you?" Really Debbie?

        "Well I wanted to punch Zayn right in the face for what he did to you so I've been better too." She didn't even smile.

        "Don't do that."


        "Hurt him."

        "Why not?"

        "He doesn't deserve it." Are you kidding me?

        "Please tell me you're joking."

        "I'm not, he really doesn't deserve it. He was speaking his opinion, he has the right. And besides, he wasn't wrong." What. The. Fuck.

       "He hurt you! I can tell! He was wrong, none of those things were true!" I yelled and she got scared, shit but I couldn't stop.

       "Harry if you are going to yell please go, I don't really need that right now." She spoke with such a soft voice I could barely make out the words.

      "Fine." And with that I was out of the door without looking back.

*Debbie's P.O.V*

     "Harry if you are going to yell please go, I don't need that right now."

     "Fine." And sure enough, he left without a goodbye. I have never felt so alone in my entire life. I couldn't sleep so I just watched Dr. Phil and cartoons for a little bit until Lucy came in.

     "Hey darling, how are you?"

     "I've been better, but thank you." I plastered on a fake smile so no questions were asked.

     "Well good news buttercup, you get to go home!" I was excited but at the same time disappointed, I really didn't want to leave.

     "That is really good news, so I can leave right now?"

     "Yes ma'am." She smiled and so did I, I'm going to miss her. "Do you have a ride home?" Shit.

     "Um no, but may I make a phone call to get a ride?" She nodded and handed me the phone, I dialed my friend's number. *ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Please leave a message after the beep.* Well then. Let's try Jaci, *ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Please leave a message after the beep.* Dammit. Norma is my last hope. *ring, ring, ring, ring, rin-


Me- Hey it's Deb.

Norma- Hey girl! What's up?

Me- Um I have a question.

Norma- Shoot.

Me- Can you drive me home from the hospital?

Norma- Sure thing chicken wing! But why are you in the hospital?

Me- I'll explain in the car.

Norma- Okay! See you soon!

Me- Thank you! Bye!

*hangs up*

As if on cue Lucy enters the room.

      "Find a ride sweety?" Awe she's so nice, I love her.

     "Yes thank you. And I cannot thank you enough for all of your help! I know I'm a pain in the butt." She laughed and so did I but it hurt.

     "No way! You were one of the best patients ever! I loved helping you!" She gave me a slight hug and smiled while walking out of the room. I gathered all of my things and waited downstairs for Norma. She soon pulled up and jumped out of the car.

     "Are you okay? You look sick." Typical Norma.

     "Hi to you too. And I just had surgery so I'm not surprised."

     "Heeeeeey! And damn! Get in the car so we can talk!" She asked what happened and throughout the drive home I told her about Zayn and Harry and what happened.

      "Not to be rude but he is such a jerk!" I smiled and tried not to laugh.

      "He usually wasn't but I guess it just all got to him and he finally snapped." She nodded and we soon pulled into my driveway.

      "Thank you so much Norma! It means a lot to me!" I gave her a slight hug. "Would you like to come in for a little?" I hope I wasn't being clingy or anything.

      "It's no problem! And I would love to but I'm going out to dinner with my boyfriend, maybe some other time!" I nodded and waved as she drove away. I unlocked the door and entered the house, I limped over to the bedroom and set my bags down on the ground. I went to go grab a granola bar and I saw Captain Red, my fish, all lonely so I cooped his bowl up and brought him over to the couch with me. I turned on the tv and set him on the coffee table, I put on Finding Nemo just for him.

       "At least I still have you, Captain Red." I stayed there the rest of the night just watching movies with my only friend,

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