Ch.21-I'm over it

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*Debbie's P.O.V*

It's been about 2 weeks or so since Janice came and I'm honestly over Harry. I came to the realization that he is taken and I cant change that; no matter how hard I wanted to. Besides, they look happy together from what I see at least. Zayn has still been on his phone for the entire time and it's really pissing me off but I'm not saying anything because I don't want to start anything.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

I met this girl Emma at the hospital when I went to see Debbie and things seem to be going really well. We text all the time and call each other some times, it's great. I decided that I needed to move on from Deb considering nothing is ever going to come out of it; she could never fall for a guy like me. I'm trying my hardest not to think of what could happen if we were together but my self control is running out; that's why I talk to Emma so much. I mean Emma is a really nice girl and all but I mean, she's no Debbie.

*Janice's P.O.V*

I've been keeping my eyes on Debbie just to make sure she isn't making a move on my man. She hasn't but you can never be too sure with girls like her. I'm still wondering if anything went on before I got here but I decided to block any thoughts like that out of my mind because I just want to be happy with my baby. I think I'm going to tell him I love him later for the first time, I really hope everything goes the way I want it to.

*Debbie's P.O.V*

When I came downstairs at about 11 am I saw everyone except Harry gathered around the tabe eating and talking.

"Hi guys." I got a jumble of 'heys' and 'hi's' but no one came up and said goodmorning or anything like that. I decided I was going to go to the gym and work off this steam that I had so I wouldn't blow my top. I went upstairs and changed into some workout clothes, when I came downstairs I grabbed my keys and left without a word. When I got to the gym I saw there was a body box class just starting so I purchashed a vitamin water and went to join the class. I figured I could punch with a purpose this time instead of punching aimlessly.

*Harry's P.O.V*

As I walked down the stairs I instantly heard mumbling and Niall's laughing so I went to sit down next to Liam and have a piece of toast; I noticed Deb wasn't there.

"Where's Debbie?" I could see everyone look at each other and silently ask but no one knew. "Was she out before you guys got up?"

"Nah bro, she just left about 5 minutes ago I think." Louis answered while laughing at something Niall had done.

"Did she say where she was going?"

"Babe, why does it matter? It's not like you are her boyfriend." Janice spoke with bitterness in her tone at the end.

"You're right, silly me. Can you pass me the orange juice?" She smiled and came over to sit on my lap and kissed my lips; hard.

*Debbie's P.O.V*

After the class I was drenched but I felt great, I was on top of the world. I decided to go out and get something to eat so I went to Chipotle. Luckily when I got there it was not a long line so I ordered my usual tofu burrito and went to take a seat. A few minutes had passed and I had noticed a figure standing in front of my table so I looked up. There was a tall, chubby- not fat -boy there with dark brown hair and thick eyebrows; he was hot.

"Hey I'm sorry to bother you but may I tell you something?" His voice wasn't low but it wasn't high; it was just right.

"No bother at all, what's up?"

"You are honestly, the most beautiful person that I had ever seen before." I could feel myself blushing up a storm.

"Thank you so much! Not too bad looking yourself." He chuckled lightly and I smiled.

"Would it be totally weird if I asked you out somtime? I mean it's totally okay if you say no I just thought I would give it a try sin-" I cut him off.

"Of course, when would you like to go out?"

"Um, how about tonight or something? I mean as long as that is alright with you." I laughed lightly while shaking my head.

"Of course, here," I wrote down my number and gave it to him, jJust text me or something to let me know what we're doing and what time." He smiled bigger than anything I've ever seen before.

"Great I will, see you tonight..." He was motioning his hands so I would tell him my name.

"Debbie" I smiled.

"I'm Mike. I'll see you tonight Debbie." He smiled and then walked off and left Chipotle. On the drive back I was so excited that I could not wait to get home and shower. This is my first actual date so I'm basically doing this blind. I pulled into the driveway, got my purse and headed inside to find no one home; there was a note on the counter.


You may come home to an empty house so here is where everyone is:

-Louis and Niall are out playing mini golf and then going to see a movie.

-Liam went out with Sophia for the day because she was in town.

-Zayn went out with a girl, I think her name is Emma?

-Harry and Janice went shpping for the day and then they were going to the airport since she is leaving today.

I'm sorry we left you alone love but we'll be back later. Have fun and be careful!

Yours truly,

Liam-and everyone else.

I sighed and went into the kitchen to put the rest of my burrito in the fridge and grab a glass of iced tea. I decided to go upstairs and shower really quick so I could relax until Mike let me know what was going on. I took about 5 minutes in the shower and then got changed into a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie because my house was freezing considering Janice liked it cold. I sat down on the couch and put on the Grinch, my other favorite movie of all time. My phone buzzed.

9731234567: Hey it's Mike :)

Deb: Hi (:

Mike: What's up?

Deb: Just watching the Grinch, you?

Mike: Just relaxing

Deb: Sounds like a blast and a half :p

Mike: It totally is!!!!

Deb: Aha

Mike: So about tonight

Deb: Yes?

Mike: What do you want to do?

Deb: Anything

After that message I didn't get a reply back so I sighed and went back to watching the movie. A few minutes later I heard the door open and footsteps running across the wood floor. I looked behind me to see Zayn and I guess Emma violently making out while rushing towards my roon; they didn't notice me but I was gagging in my mouth. They slammed the bedroom door shut and I heard my bed bounce; gross, ew, disgusting, I'm burning my bed after. After a few moments I started hearing the bed creaking and that was it, I turned the movie up on full blast and tried to block them out; it worked for the most part. About an hour later they were still going when Liam walked in and covered his ears while looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"Why do you have the movie up too full blast?" He was practically yelling so I turned down the movie and the bed was still creaking.

"Do you not hear the bed creaking? Zayn and Emma know...sexing." He made a horrified face and sat down next to me, grabbing the remote and turning the volume back up.

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