Ch.11- Are you mad?

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*Zayn's P.O.V*

I woke up bright and early today to go see Debs and explain to her why I left yesterday. I said good morning to all of the boys and rushed out of the door.

*Louis's P.O.V*

As soon as I woke up all I hear is Zayn running out the door while muttering something that sounded like good morning. I saw Niall and decided to ask him what was up with Zayn.

        "Hey Ni?" He turned around and smiled even though he had a face full of food.


         "What's up with Zayn? He just kinda rushed out this morning." He nodded and swallowed his food.

       "He went to go see Deb in the hospital." I thanked him and went to go watch a movie.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

Once I got to the hospital I went up to desk and waited to be helped.

       "Hello, how may I help you?" The nurse was too perky for me right now.

        "I'm here to see my friend, Debbie Herch." She looked down at the chart and then back up at me.

       "What's your name hun?"

       "Zayn Malik."

       "They were asking for you yesterday, but you seemed to have disappeared Mr. Malik." I was surprised, why were they asking for me?

       "Why were they asking for me?"

       "They thought you would want to go in and spend the night or at least comfort her but I guess not." I nodded and she gave me the room number so I went to find her. Once I found the room I was hesitant to go in, not because of her condition but because I didn't want her to be too mad at me. I took a deep breath and walked in to find her and Harry sleeping in the bed. I was surprised to see him there but more surprised that they slept next to each other. A pang of jealousy came over me and I took a seat next to her bed, she soon woke up and looked at me.

        "Good morning." I tried to say as calmly as I can even though I was infuriated.

        "Morning." She just kept looking at me and I couldn't take it anymore.

        "Why are you two sleeping next to each other?" I hissed harshly at her but I soon regretted it.

         "Are you serious? If you actually cared about me, this wouldn't be happening right now." She whispered as quietly as she could.

         "What the fuck are you talking about?! Of course I care about you! I flew over 50,000 miles just to see you and make sure you're alright!"

         "Listen, if you came to make sure I was alright last night, we could have avoided this entire thing. So do NOT blame me for this one buddy, it's all you." I lost it.

         "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I NEED TO THINK ABOUT MYSELF FOR A CHANGE! I ALWAYS DO THINGS FOR YOU, THIS ENTIRE TIME I'VE BEEN HERE SO FAR I'VE DONE THINGS FOR YOU. ALL OF THE BOYS HAVE DONE THINGS FOR YOU. AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR US? NOTHING EXCEPT GET HURT AND COMPLAIN. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, YOU'RE A SELFISH FAT PIG! WHO DESERVES EVERYTHING YOU GET BECAUSE YOU BRING IT ON YOURSELF." I regretted everything I said the moment it came out of my mouth. My screaming woke Harry up and it cause tears to be flooding out of her eyes. I felt like a monster. "Debs, I'm so sorry I didn't mean it. I don't know what came over me." She wouldn't look at me, instead she buzzed the nurse and the nurse helped her into the bathroom. Which meant Harry and I were alone in the room.

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