Ch. 16- Excuses, Excuses

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Zayn and I walked over to Niall's room first since he was the closest. I knocked on the door lightly, I didn't want to bother him considering what he had just done for me.

"Who is it?" Niall replied a bit harshly, I understood as did Zayn.

"Um Niall, it's Deb and Zayn. May we come in?" I spoked softly, I hope he heard me.

"Yeah of course, sorry." Zayn opened the door and entered first, I followed quickly behind. As soon as I walked in I saw that Niall had a busted lip and a few bruises on his arms. I walked up to him and sat on the bed next to him.

"Are you alright?" He looked away, there was a long awkward silence. Niall finally spoke.

"I wanted to kill him Deb. The look on your killed me. I made him promise he wouldn't hurt you, he lied." He started crying and I'll admit i was crying too, Harry is such a fucking jerk for doing this to everyone.

"That means so much to me Niall, it really does. Harry had his reasoning for what he did what he did, maybe there was a logical reason. I thought it was true when he said he cared and stuff but i guess not. Don't be mad at him, please. There's no reason to be, forgive and forget; right?" I couldn't forgive and forget, I knew that but i had to try to convice the others to.

"Debbie he hurt you, you can't just expect us to forgive him so easily." Zayn said while rubbing my back. Did he think I didn't know he hurt me?does he think I'm okay already?

"Trust me Zayn I know but you've known him for so much longer than you've known me, don't be so mad at him. It's not right." As soon as i spoke they both looked at me like I had five heads. But they don't understand at all, it wasn't his complete fault.

"Debbie, don't be such a hero. You have the right to be angry." Niall was getting frustrated but I couldn't give two fucks.

"I'm not being a fucking hero Niall, I'm speaking rationally. He was drunk off his ass and the girl probably did something to him, he wasn't thinking properly." I meant it, I wasn't mad about the drinking as much as I was mad about the actions. Niall let out a big sigh.

"I guess you're right, but I'm still beyond pissed."

"I know, I bet that you're not the only one but please don't hurt him. Wait until tomorrow to hear his side and if he doesn't have good reasoning then you could hurt him." That made Zayn and Niall both smile and I giggled, I had to lighten the mood some how.

"Don't worry I will," Niall smiled and got up from the bed and hugged me, "good night guys, I'm pooped. I'll see you in the AM, hopefully I won't have to open a can of whoop ass." I laughed while Zayn and I said our goodnights and went to my room.

"I'm sorry about tonight, you didn't dserve that at all." Zayn was looking at his feet while he was talking and it was so fucking cute.

"Don't be, it's really fine. I would just like to hear his side of the story and then judge whether I'm mad or not."

"You mean you aren't mad at him?" Silly, silly boy.

"Of course I'm mad at him but how mad can a person get? I'm not going to stop speaking to him forever just because of one drunken night. And plus it was mostly the girl's fault so I can't blame it all on Harry." Zayn gave me a disapproving look.

"This is your problem; you're too nice and forgiving."

"It's a blessing and a curse." He chuckled slightly.

"Well I hope you sleep well darling, I'm going to hit the hay. Phillip re-runs tomorrow, be there or be square" I smiled.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Zayn came over and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. On his way out he stopped and turned around.

"Goodnight love, sleep well." He had a half smile on his lips and I just wanted to kiss him all over.

"Goodnight sunshine, sweet dreams." And with that he smiled and left the room, leaving me alone in thought.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

Tonight was wild and I'm pooped. I went into my room to lay down and all I kept thinking about was how I could treat Deb right, no drunken nights with whores and no fights. We would be perfect. I settled down in bed and the last thing I remember was planning on how I was going to tell her that I loved her.

Old Memories, New Feelingsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن