The Legion.

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Barry and Thawne - the Dr Wells Thawne, who both sat as Mon-el and Eobard Thawne - the past Thawne - the Legion Thawne, was at the console trying to find out what happened.

"You need to get back into your stasis pods. Your younger self is up there on the earth." Barry asked.

"He's right, it is November 7th 2016, around the time Supergirl disappeared on another earth." Thawne mentioned at the console. "So you're future me, Why do I look like Dr Wells?"

"Yes I am you but that timeline is now long gone. I am a timeline remnant."

"Oh so erasing you will be us just doing our jobs?"

"I thought dealing with chronological anomalies was the Legends job?" Barry piped up asking.

"How do you know about the Legends, they haven't even gotten to the stage of dealing with Time anomalies just yet, they're busy with Vandal Savage?" Thawne asked suspicious of them.

"Barry Allen here is the Flash, the original Flash. The reason why he knows so much is because he is a multiversal traveller."

"Time traveller too. You can add that to my resume if you're sizing me up."

Mon-el chuckled at Barry's jokes.

"Mon-el laughing at Barry's jokes, you know the timeline is screwed now." Barry stated as Dr Wells kept quiet watching Barry defuse the situation with ease.

"But isn't he also a time remnant?" Thawne asked Mon-el.

"Yes but he is a fixed point of time - you remove him.. You removed me and Thawne from the legion, effectively changed the timeline." Mon-el added calmly.

"You've grown since we last met." Barry pointed out as he noticed Mon-el was a lot calmer. " You really have matured in those 7 years."

"Thanks to you." Mon el mentioned it with a sigh. "And Kara. I owe a lot to the both of you."

"How so?" Barry asked intrigued as Mon-el chuckled at him.

"Now who is the all seeing time traveller from the distant future now, Barry?"

"Very funny, Mon-el."

"Why are you here?" Thawne asked.

Mon-el kept quiet as he waited for Barry or Wells to answer the question.

"The trip to the speedforce after being disintegrated taxed near enough all of my speedforce in my body, it is all being directed to my cells but it is not fast enough to heal all of the damage."

"So you're breaking down slowly, the speedforce can only heal so much and the disintegration is just as fast." Thawne quickly summed up.

"You never told me this in the past." Mon-el asked as he was deep in thought. "You do however get your speed back so whatever it was that happened down here, you get your speed back in the end."

"I was hoping to use the energy core of the Legion ship to potentially boost my speed healing up double, just long enough for it to heal the disintegration and return to normal." Barry asked.

"We both agreed that Legion ship's core would be the only power source capable of boosting the speedforce in Barry's system."

"No it isn't." Thawne asked as Wells was confused.

"You really are a time remnant." Thawne sighed at him.

Barry knew what he was referring too. "It's too risky." Barry simply said as it confused Wells even more.

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