To Kara's aide.

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Mon-el was in the same room as Alex and Winn as he was explaining what happened between him and Barry.

"He told me that he was thinking logically and not emotionally? I mean, how can a guy make a decision to save the woman he loves without using his emotions? He didn't even trust me as he took the dimension thingy with him."

Alex and Winn stared at each other giving each other a look. "And you both agree with Barry? Great. Thought you were on my side."

"Woh, I am not on anyone's side. Barry has experience, you didn't see him out in the field back then. He mentored Kara on how to be a hero and is the reason why she is so good at what she does, his lessons worked." Alex said quickly defusing the situation as she looked to Winn for help.

"Yeah I mean, he was around for a year but he had over 15 years of experience of being a superhero, he knew what people would do before they would think about it. It is only the reason why he was doing well with the cold gun, sure he may have given people frostbite and stuff but he did what needed to be done. He probably has previous experience with losing and failing, Kara had to go through the same before she became who she is now."

"Oh yeah, Kara had a lot of trouble. She turned evil when she was exposed to red kryptonite that Maxwell Lord made. She caused a lot of trouble and she had to get everyone's trust back, by herself." Alex added.

"Oh yes, Red Kryptonite.. I have been on the end of that before. Maxwell Lord didn't create it, he just likes to take credit for other people's work." Clark said as he entered the room in his Superman outfit.

"So why are you guys so calm when Kara is in danger?"

"Experience." The trio said to Mon-el.

"And I trust Barry." Clark added as Winn and Alex agreed.

"He disappears for over three years and he is already welcomed back." Mon-el sighed as a bolt of yellow lightning streaked through the room as Wally was now standing with them.

"Hi, I am here for the rescue party." Wally said, causing Mon-el to jump.

"Jesus Wally, you scared me!"

"I thought you don't get scared?" Wally said teasing him.

Mon-el faked laughed. "I didn't get scared... Just momentarily.. Caught off guard." He said trying so hard and badly to come up with an excuse.

"Sure.." Wally said doubting him.

Clark then decided that it would be a good idea for him to show off the extrapolator.

"Are you serious? You took it from Barry, nice going Clark." Mon-el said as he was eager to get Kara.

"I didn't. He gave it to me. He put the choice to go in my hands. And Barry was right to not to trust you with this... You're not exactly thinking straight."

"It's because he doesn't know what I can do. That's all."

"He already knew about you before he even went into the speedforce." Clark stated.

"But that would mean he knew Mon-el before we knew him and even met him, hell his ship wasn't even in the same galaxy then..." Winn said putting the pieces together and confusing himself.

"Time travel." Wally said simply answering their question.

"Barry may have his reasons for keeping it a secret but he has knowledge of us that we might not even know about. Now Barry is on his own doing his own thing, it is up to us to rescue Kara ourselves." Clark started going through the plan on what they should do.

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