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Barry Allen was running, non stop as if he was getting chased by something when a jolt of lightning snapped him out of it.

Barry stopped, trying to catch his breath. He looked around as he realised where he was.

"I'm in the... speedforce?" Barry said to himself confused as to why he was there.

"Indeed." The speedforce spoke to Barry, in the image of his mother.

Barry sighed. "Why am I stuck in the speedforce?"

"Because that is where all speedsters go on their death.. Or so we thought." Nora took a seat as their surroundings changed to Barry's childhood home.

"But I am not dead." Barry said, feeling confident that he wasn't dead.

"It seems you're suffering some sort of memory loss. You perished while trying to save the earth. However the speedforce is persistent in your own body, it healed the damage that was done from the magnetar."

"But.. that would have shredded my atoms, splitting me across the multiverse. The speedforce would of trouble trying to repair that." Barry said as he remembered everything that happened.

"What happened to Kara?" Barry instantly thinks of Kara.

"She mourned your death. Your funeral was quite touching, a secretive man yet you managed to capture people's hearts in the span of a year." Nora continued.

Barry let go of the breath he was holding. "So National City is safe?" Barry then asked.

"Yes, they erected a statue in your name. Even Wally has taken up the name of the Flash in your absence."

"My secret is out then."

"You never really bothered with your secret identity when you travelled through the multiverse." Nora noted.

"Because i was never in one place for more than 3 months."

"And because of that, you saved people's lives, corrected many speedsters mistakes. But there is one more that must be corrected."

"I thought we were past me being your champion." Barry scowled slightly at Nora with his arms crossed.

Nora shook her head. "Of course you are free from that burden however this affects your earth."

"What has happened on Earth-1 now..." Barry sighed jumping to the conclusion that his original self might have messed something up.

"I wasn't talking about that home." Nora sighed at Barry who instantly got it.

"Send me back." Barry instantly demanded.

"Jumping to conclusions already, you still haven't heard what it is."

Barry kept quiet for a moment.

"Good. Now, there was a price to pay for your impressive healing. You will find that the speedforce in your system is virtually all gone. It was drained trying to heal you and it took some time.

"How long?" Barry said worried.

"Oh, not long." Nora said as time was nothing to an immortal deity or non living thing such as the speedforce.

"Oh thank god." Barry said with a fresh breath of air.

"Joe West is the key." Nora simply said.

"But Savitar killed him?" Barry said, confused.

"I am sure you can figure it out in time. Now, I will send you back home in the same place as before, metropolis." Nora's appearance to that of Superman.

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