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One More Chance To Hold You - jjk

Your pov

A month has gone without you knowing. The tour has been so successful so far. It was a big hit and massive.

Today they will have a recording session for the new episode of Run BTS in one of the countries they have toured at.

"Since you are just recording the new run episode, I'm not gonna do a lot to your makeup" he ignores you.

You sighed softly before continuing your job. Then you notice the mark he has on his left cheek.

Your lips suddenly formed a small smile as your random thoughts about how he gets the cute scar appears in your mind.

"Why are you smiling like a crazy person?" He questioned out of nowhere turning his head towards you.

Your eyes met his.

Nose just centimetres away from one another.

His eyes shifted from yours to your lips. You can see he gulps hard before his lips slightly parted away again.


Both of you quickly went back to your position. He looked back at the mirror. While you faced the person behind you with an awkward smile.

"Oh Yoongi... do you need anything?" He just stood there like a lazy uncle and shook his head.

"Oh nothing. I'm just checking on Jungkook because he is not well" you mouthed O and nods a few times.

Jungkook tilts his head towards Yoongi "don't worry Hyung. I'm fine" his lips curve a small smile.

"Yeah I can see that" Yoongi smirked.

Your brows furrowed to the sight of that. What the hell was that smirk for?

"I'll get going now Jungkookie. Y/n, please take good care of him" he winked and went out of the room leaving you and Jungkook alone.

"Hyung! What the fish?!" Jungkook raised his voice a little and got a laugh in return from his Hyung.

"Well... that's weird" you squint your eyes on Yoongi. You averted your eyes at Jungkook

"and you Mr. Cold Blood Head Jungkook, why don't you tell me you are not well?" You asked with both of your hands resting on your waist, giving him your firm look.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes "why should I tell you?" Your lips parted.

"of course you should tell me you brat! You are sick! It is my duty to take care of you butt head! What if you faint or hurt?!" You muttered annoyingly.

"Why do you care so much about me?! Just freaking care about your lover boy Taehyung!!" He got up from the chair and screamed at you, his chair fell on the floor with a loud thud caused by his hard move.

"What is the freaking wrong with you?! I care about everybody else! Taehyung is my friend and so are you!" You yell back, taking steps closer towards him.

"Then why are you here?! Go to him! Do everything with him! Don't waste your time on me! I can take care of myself" he retorted.

Walking past you with his shoulder hit yours.

"Jungkook!" You run towards him, grabbing his wrist. Turning his body towards you and pushing him to the wall behind him.

You look up to him with heavy breathing "what's wrong with me being close to him huh?" Your eyes look deep into his.

"Why... Why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend?..." he sneered at you the moment those words left your lips.

"this is not how a jealous boyfriend would've acted" you frown on his words.

"If this is not it, then how?" You mocked, but then you forgot about a very famous phrase.

if you play with fire, you get burned.

Your lips agap when he spins your body making your back hit the wall. Your hands balled into fists 

"Jungkook... wha-what are you—"

"shhh. I'll show you how a jealous boyfriend acts" you close your eyes seeing how he slowly leaned towards you.

Tilting your head to the side trying to control yourself.

Few seconds passed, nothing happened to you but you received a loud laugh coming out of Jungkook.

He was laughing his ass off, his right hand holding his tummy while his left slapping his thick thighs.

"You should see your face babe" he continued to laugh. You grabbed the pillow beside you and threw it at him and stared at him, red-faced.

"I hate you!"

You storm out of the room, leaving him alone. Walking alone in the hallway you can clearly hear footsteps coming towards you.

"Y/n..." Jungkook grabs your wrist stopping you from going further.

You look at him, his lips form a thin line, trying to hold his laugh within himself.

"Just forget it Jungkook" you try to walk away but again, he stops you.

"I'm sorry, ok? I shouldn't have done that" his face changed in an instant.

"Cut the crap Jungkook" you look away from him. He gently holds your chin and makes you look at him. Which causes you to flinch at his soft touch.

"I mean it y/n. I'm sorry..." his eyes show sincerity.

"How can I trust you?" He goes silent.

"How about we be friends?" He spoke all of sudden with a pure smile on his face.

"Did you hear yourself? Seriously? Friends? With me?" Again you mock him.

"Yes y/n... I'm serious. You opened my eyes and showed me a girl like you still exist. You are not like the other girl who tries to get in my pants" he blatantly says.

"Euwww! Why would I do that? That is so disgusting" You showed him your disgusting face.

"You think this is a disgusting thing?" He pointed at his body.

"I don't like where this conversation is going..." he laughed again.

"sorry. So what do you say? Friends?" He let go of his grip and let out his right hand.

You were hesitant at first but then you just gave him a shot. You accept his handshake "don't mess with our friendship or I leave for good" you threaten him.

He looked a little taken aback "are you blackmailing me right now? Cuz to be honest I'm offended" he placed his hand on his chest, closing his eyes and rested his forehead on your shoulder.

"Haha so funny" you push him away.

"So we're good?" He asked with his sparkling eyes.

You smile sincerely at him and nodded "yes Jungkook, we're good" his smile shows how pleased he is by your answer.

"But Jungkook... can I request you one thing?"


You let out a sigh "can I call you Kookie instead of Jungkook?"

He frowned



Author note : hi it's me again, Eva, the queen of late posting. Sorry for making you guys wait. Thank you for still waiting for my next part patiently. 🥲 love you guys ♥️ stay safe 🤍

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